StEG-Tandem: Optimising Study Periods at All-day Schools Through Cooperative Learning Activities


Table of contents

Project description

Blank data sets


Notes on the use of the data



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Data Set Published on 04.04.2022
Current Version Available Since 04.04.2022
Survey Period 2017, 2018
Sample Students in grade 5 (N=245: control group and N=301: treatment group) in Classes (N=21: control group and N=23: treatment group); Students from grade 8 to 10 (N=81: mentors); Parents (N=398: control group and N=226: treatment group)
Survey Unit Parents
Measured Competencies Mathematics, English
Region Hesse
Principal Investigators Fischer, Prof. Dr. Natalie
Klieme, Prof. Dr. Eckhard
Data Producers Klieme, Prof. Dr. Eckhard
Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Related Studies StEG 2005-9 (DOI: 10.5159/IQB_StEG_v1), StEG Systemmonitoring (DOI: 10.5159/IQB_StEG_Systemmonitoring_v2)
Suggested Citation Brisson, B., Heyl, K., Sauerwein, M., Theis, D., Dohrmann, J., Heer, J., Fischer N., & Klieme, E. (2022).StEG-Tandem: Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung von Lern- und Übungszeiten durch kooperative Lernformen [StEG Tandem: Optimising Study Periods at All-day Schools Through Cooperative Learning Activities] (Version 1) [Data set]. Berlin: IQB – Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.
Restriction Notice However, the data from the qualitative methods and the interviews with teachers and pedagogical staff have not yet been published.


Project description

As part of the StEG-Tandem study five integrated comprehensive all-day schools, a research team and external practice experts worked together closely to further develop homework mentoring or study times (Lernzeiten) at the participating schools by introducing cooperative learning formats. Fifth-grade students were encouraged to work on homework together (Peer Learning) while being supported by grade 8 to 10 student mentors (Peer Mentoring). The aim of these development measures was to strengthen the individual support of students in their work. Furthermore, this was meant to promote their subject-specific and social competences. StEG-Tandem is a substudy of the Study on the Development of All-Day Schools (StEG) and was conducted by DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and the University of Kassel. The development process and the subsequent implementation of the concepts for cooperative learning in homework mentoring or study times were scientifically guided and evaluated. Task force meetings, in which teachers, a research team and an external expert would develop school-specific concepts for cooperative learning, were recorded and transcribed. To investigate the development measures' effectiveness quantitative and qualitative data from grade 5 students with and without Peer Mentoring during homework mentoring or study time was collected in a cohort design. Their grade 8 to 10 student mentors were also interviewed repeatedly using qualitative and quantitative methods. Furthermore, grade 5 parents and teachers and all-day school staff participated in questionnaire surveys.

However, the data from the qualitative methods and the interviews with teachers and pedagogical staff have not yet been published. (IQB)

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Blank data sets

For a first overview of the data set and its variables, dummy data sets containing the variables used and the value labels relating to them are provided for download here.

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Here you can find further documentation:

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Notes on the use of the data

How can the data from the parents and the student questionnaire be matched?

The parents of the fifth graders and the students themselves were surveyed independently of each other. Therefore, a direct matching is unfortunately not possible, but the information can be linked at the class level via the respective ID. The class ID is unique per year/for the control and the treatment group. For the same reason, there are also cases in which a child did not participate in the survey but its parents did - or vice versa. It should also be noted that in the treatment group, only the parents of the fifth graders were surveyed, while the parents of the mentors did not participate in the study.

How can the data from the mentor and the student questionnaire be matched?

Peer mentoring usually did not take place in the form of 1-to-1 tutoring and often also not in the form of fixed assignments. For these reasons, direct matching of mentors and students is unfortunately not possible. However, since the data contain information on days of participation in homework mentoring or study time in addition to the school ID, information can be linked on this basis in a doubly aggregated form, for example, as a grade point average of the mentors weighted according to days of participation.

What, if any, differences are there between the data/data structure on the one hand and StEG publications on the other hand?

In the StEG-Tandem guidelines (Brisson et al. 2017), a third survey of the mentors was planned. In the course of the implementation, however, the decision was made not to conduct this, which is why there are "only" two data collection points on the mentors. In addition, the sample sizes reported by Brisson et al. (2019) and those reported above, those documented in the scale manuals, and those reproducible from the usable data do not match in a few cases. This applies to the parents and student questionnaires and was caused by measures taken during data preparation, in particular the removal of persons without a valid declaration of consent.

What information does the undocumented variable “date_FDZ” in the smartphone dataset contain?

In the course of the data preparation, the variable “date” was anonymised, as it contains potentially sensitive data in the form of date and time. However, in order to still be able to make the information available to SUF users, a variable “date_FDZ” was created that represents the number of days passed since May 2nd, 2017.

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Selected literature is listed PDF here (as of February 2022).


Brisson, Brigitte, Heyl, Katrin, Sauerwein, Markus, Theis, Desiree, Dohrmann, Julia, Heer, Jana, Fischer Natalie & Klieme, Eckhard. (2022). StEG-Tandem: Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung von Lern- und Übungszeiten durch kooperative Lernformen (Version 1) [Datensatz]. Berlin: IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.


Kielblock, S., Arnoldt, B., Fischer, N., Gaiser, J. M. & Holtappels, H. G. (Hrsg.). (2021). Individuelle Förderung an Ganztagsschulen. Forschungsergebnisse der Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen (StEG) (Studien zur ganztägigen Bildung 1. Auflage). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. Verfügbar unter


Kielblock, S. & Theis, D. (2020). Potenziale der Ganztagsschule - aktuelle Befunde der Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen (StEG). Forum Jugendhilfe, (1), 26–30. Zugriff am 03.01.2022. Verfügbar unter


Brisson, B. M., Sauerwein, M. N., Heyl, K. & Theis, D. (2019). StEG-Tandem: Eine Schulentwicklungsstudie zur Einführung von kooperativen Lernformen in Hausaufgabenbetreuung bzw. Lernzeiten an Ganztagsschulen. Hintergrund, Konzeption und Ergebnisse. In S. Maschke, G. Schulz-Gade & L. Stecher (Hrsg.), Hausaufgaben und Lernzeiten pädagogisch sinnvoll gestalten. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Diskussionslinien (Jahrbuch Ganztagsschule, 2019/2020, 1. Aufl., Bd. 20, S. 121–138). Frankfurt am Main: Debus Pädagogik; Wochenschau Verlag.

Konsortium der Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen (Hrsg.). (2019). Individuelle Förderung: Potenziale der Ganztagsschule. Frankfurt am Main: Das Konsortium der Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen (StEG).

Sauerwein, M. & Heer, J. (2019). „es ist sozusagen auch nur EIN Beispiel, wie das umgesetzt wurde“. Sozial Extra, 43(4), 271–275.


Brisson, B. M., Heyl, K., Sauerwein, M. N., Theis, D. & Fischer, N. (2017). Leitfaden StEG-Tandem. Konzeptuelle Weiterentwicklung von Hausaufgabenbetreuung und Lernzeiten (DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation‏ (DIPF), Hrsg.) (Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen). Frankfurt am Main: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation‏ (DIPF). Zugriff am 03.01.2022. Verfügbar unter

Heyl, K. & Fischer, N. (2017). Wissenschafts-Praxis-Transfer an Ganztagsschulen. (DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation‏ (DIPF), Hrsg.) (DIPF informiert 25 (2)). Frankfurt am Main. Verfügbar unter

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