
What are Campus Files?

Campus Files (CFs) are fully anonymous data sets that can be used in academic teaching (e.g., analyzing large-scale assessments with complex data structures). CFs can also be used to illustrate key steps in data management and data preparation. Furthermore, CF might be helpful for preparing statistical code for the corresponding Scientific Use Files (SUFs). CFs can also be analyzed for student papers. However, the analysis potential of the data sets is reduced. Analyses based on CFs can lead to results that deviate considerably from those of corresponding SUFs.

How were the data sets generated?

Campus Files (CFs) for the PISA-Plus 2012-2013 data set are based on the corresponding Scientific Use Files (SUFs). The SUFs have already been anonymized in a way that no personal reference can be established. Compared to SUFs, CFs have a reduced number of variables for which additionally anonymization steps were carried out. The CFs were prepared in several steps. First, students from special education schools, vocational track schools (Hauptschule, Berufsschule) were excluded. Furthermore, students who did not fill out the questionnaire (e.g., due to absence or lack of parental consent) were excluded from the data set. Next, synthetic data were generated with the R-package synthpop (Nowok et al., 2016). Values of the original variables were randomly distributed among cases in the data sets. This procedure results in a synthetic data set with cases that do not correspond to the cases in the SUFs. Synthetic data generation, however, was carried out in a way that correlations between variables in the SUFs are preserved to a considerable extent in the corresponding CFs.

Synthetic variables on the school and class-level were generated first in separate school and class data sets. Predictors in the data generation process included all school- and class-averaged scale scores of individual questionnaire data (e.g., math anxiety, student-teacher-relation), achievement scores (e.g., class-average math achievement) and selected background characteristics (e. g. socio-economic background, migration, gender). This was done to increase the number of predictors on the school- and class-level as well as to account for the hierarchical data structure (i.e., students nested in classrooms nested in schools). In a next step, the synthesized variables were merged to the student data set and subsequently used as predictors together with the previously mentioned class-averages in the data generation process on the student level. Achievement test data were not altered with synthpop to preserve their hierarchical data structure. Instead, test scores and corresponding standard errors were altered by adding random noise from a normal distribution to the original scores.

What is the content of the PISA-Plus 2012-2013 campus files?

The PISA-Plus 2012-2013 study is a supplement to the German PISA study in 2012 adding a second measurement point. Ninth-graders were tested one year later, in spring 2013, when they were in tenth grade. The aim of the study was to assess students’ achievement gains in mathematics, German reading and science over one school year. Additionally, students, teachers and school principals filled out questionnaires about individual characteristics (e.g., motivation, anxiety, interest) and characteristics of the learning environment (e.g., cognitive activation, disciplinary climate, student-teacher relations). These questionnaire data can be used to examine their effects on achievement gains as well as psychosocial outcomes (e.g., students’ sense of belonging). Central results of the study are reported by Reiss et al. (2017).

Overall, the sample of the CFs includes n = 4545 students from n = 254 classrooms in n = 134 schools. The PISA-Plus 2012-2013 campus files consist of two data sets. The first data set (PISA-Plus-2012-2013_Dataset_CF) contains background characteristics, questionnaire data from students and school principals, as well as achievement test scores and school grades. Note that this data set contains questionnaire data on the item level. Scale descriptions reported in this code book (e. g., reliabilities, scale scores) are not part of the data set. Furthermore, inverted items were only recoded for scale documentation purposes in this code book, they remain in reverse coding in the data set. In this code book, inverted items have the suffix “R” in their variable name which is not included in their names in the data set. The following variable names documented in the code book do not end on a capital “R” in the data set: “selfcon_a_t1R”, “belong_a_t1R”, “belong_d_t1R”, “belong_f_t1R”, “belong_a_t2R”, “belong_d_t2R”, “belong_f_t2R”, “attitud_a_t1R”, “attitud_b_t1R”, “attitud_a_t2R”, “attitud_b_t2R”, “Pcult_c_t2R”.

The second data set (PISA-Plus-2012-2013_Weights_CF) contains sampling weights to account for the two-stage and stratified sampling procedure as well as the hierarchical data structure. Furthermore, the data set contains replicate weights (Balanced Repeated Replication, BRR) to adjust variance and standard error estimations of population parameters for dependencies in the data (e.g., due to sampling and the nesting of students in classrooms/schools). Both data sets can be merged via the unique student identifier “idstud” (Student-ID).
The CFs correspond to Scientific Use Files (SUFs) which are available for re- and secondary data analyses at the Research Data Centre at the IQB Note that some variable names were changed for better readability; these variables are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Differences in Variable Names Between Scientific Use Files (SUFs) and Corresponding Campus Files (CFs)

Variable Names (SUF) Variable Names (CFs)
Schulart schtype
Pplus_TG_Gy8_Gy9 g8g9
Pplus_PP_ST06i ganztag
Pplus_PP_ST02 sameteach
REPEAT repeated
ST04Q01 gender
AGE age
DEU_ST25Q01_FDZ language
IMMIG migration
HOMEPOS homepos
ST28Q01 books
PARED pared
ST08Q01,ST09Q01,ST115Q01 truancy_a_t1 - truancy_c_t1
IC03Q01, IC04Q01 computer_age, internet_age
IC06Q01, IC07Q01 int_use_a_t1, int_use_b_t1
tnotedeu.r grade_de_t1
tnotemat.r grade_ma_t1
tnotebio.r grade_bio_t1
tnoteche.r grade_che_t1
tnotephy.r grade_phy_t1
tnotenws.r grade_sci_t1
m1_wle, r1_wle, s1_wle ma_wle_t1, rea_wle_t1, sci_wle_t1
m1_ser, r1_ser, s1_ser ma_se_t1, rea_se_t1, sci_se_t1
m2_wle, r2_wle, s2_wle ma_wle_t2, rea_wle_t2, sci_wle_t2
m2_ser, r2_ser, s2_ser ma_se_t2, rea_se_t2, sci_se_t2
mpv1_w1 - mpv5_w1 ma_pv1_t1 - ma_pv5_t1
mpv1_w2 - mpv5_w2 ma_pv1_t2 - ma_pv5_t2
rpv1_w1 - rpv5_w1 rea_pv1_t1 - rea_pv5_t1
rpv1_w2 - rpv5_w2 rea_pv1_t2 - rea_pv5_t2
spv1_w1 - spv5_w1 sci_pv1_t1 - sci_pv5_t1
spv1_w2 - spv5_w2 sci_pv1_t2 - sci_pv5_t2
meap_w1,reap_w1,seap_w1 ma_eap_t1,rea_eap_t1,sci_eap_t1
mser_w1,rser_w1,sser_w1 ma_pvse_t1,rea_pvse_t1,sci_pvse_t1
meap_w2,reap_w2,seap_w2 ma_eap_t2,rea_eap_t2,sci_eap_t2
mser_w2,rser_w2,sser_w2 ma_pvse_t2,rea_pvse_t2,sci_pvse_t2
ST29Q01, 03, 04, 06 int_a_t1 - int_d_t1
ST29Q02, 05, 07, 08 instmot_a_t1 - instmot_d_t1
ST35Q01 - 06 norms_a_t1 - norms_f_t1
ST42Q01, 03, 05, 08, 10 anxiety_a_t1 - anxiety_e_t1
ST42Q02, 04, 06, 07, 09 selfcon_a_t1 - selfcon_e_t1
ST46Q01 - 09 worketh_a_t1 - worketh_i_t1
ST48Q01 - 05 intent_a_t1 - intent_e_t1
Pplus_ST48a - e intent_a_t2 - intent_e_t2
ST49Q01 - 09(no item 08) behav_a_t1 - behav_h_t1
Pplus_ST49a - h behav_a_t2 - behav_h_t2
ST77Q01 - 06(no item 03) teach_a_t1 - teach_e_t1
Pplus_ST77a - e teach_a_t2 - teach_e_t2
ST80Q01, ST80Q04 - 11 cognact_a_t1 - cognact_i_t1
Pplus_ST80a - e cognact_a_t2 - cognact_i_t2
ST81Q01 - 05 discpline_a_t1 - discpline_e_t1
Pplus_ST81a - e discpline_a_t2 - discpline_e_t2
ST86Q01 - 05 relation_a_t1 - relation_e_t1
Pplus_ST86a - e relation_a_t2 - relation_e_t2
ST87Q01 - 09 belong_a_t1 - belong_i_t1
Pplus_DEU_ST140a - i belong_a_t2 - belong_i_t2
ST88Q01-04, ST89Q02-05 attitud_a_t1 - attitud_h_t1
Pplus_ST88a - d, attitud_a_t2 -
Pplus_ST89a - d attitud_h_t2
SC22a - s Phind_a_t2 - Phind_s_t2
PP_SC06a - e Pcult_a_t2 - Pcult_e_t2

The CFs are available in the following formats: R (.rda), SPSS (.sav), and Stata (.dta). This code book was created with the R-package codebook (Arslan, 2018).

Suggested citation

Forschungsdatenzentrum am Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (FDZ am IQB) [Research Data Centre at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (FDZ at IQB)] (2020). Programme for International Student Assessment - Plus 2012, 2013 (PISA Plus 2012-2013) - Campus File (Version 1) [Data set]. Berlin: IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.


Arslan, R. C. (2018). How to automatically generate rich codebooks from study metadata.Software package,
Nowok, B., Raab, G. M, & Dibben, C.(2016). synthpop: Bespoke Creation of Synthetic Data in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 74(11), 1-26.
Reiss, K., Klieme, E., Köller, O., & Stanat, P. (Eds.). (2017). PISA Plus 2012–2013: Kompetenzentwicklung im Verlauf eines Schuljahres. Springer VS.

  warning = FALSE, # show warnings during codebook generation
  message = FALSE, # show messages during codebook generation
  error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
                # usually better for debugging
  echo = FALSE  # show R code
ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_classic()) # layout der grafiken anpassen
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.2
theme_update(legend.title = element_blank()) # legendentitel nicht drucken

# Farbdefaults aendern
update_geom_defaults("bar",list(colour = "black")) # Rahmen
update_geom_defaults("bar",list(fill = "seagreen2")) # Fuellung

# Tabellen nicht splitten
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)



Dataset name: PISA-Plus 2012-2013: 9th graders achievement gains over one school year

Campus File for the PISA-Plus 2012-2013 data set based on the corresponding Scientific Use Files (

Metadata for search engines

  • Temporal Coverage: 2012 - 2013

  • Citation: Forschungsdatenzentrum am Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (FDZ am IQB) [Research Data Centre at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (FDZ at IQB)] (2020). Programme for International Student Assessment - Plus 2012, 2013 (PISA Plus 2012-2013) - Campus File (Version 1) [Data set]. Berlin: IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.

  • Identifier:
  • Date published: 2020-04-28

  • Creator: Aleksander Kocaj (Research Data Centre at the IQB)

    • keywords: Campus File, Large-Scale Assessment, Germany, Longitudinal Design, Grade 9 - 10, Students, Achievement Tests and Learning Enivronment



Version number (v1)


## Error in if (stats::median(table(x)) == 1) {: Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE nötig ist
## No non-missing values to show.

4545 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty whitespace
Version_v1_2020_04_18 Version number (v1) character 4545 0 0 0 0




0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
idstud Student-ID numeric 0 1 1 2290 4573 2288.857 1319.629 ▇▇▇▇▇




0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
idschool School-ID numeric 0 1 1 71 134 68.86205 37.96807 ▇▇▇▇▇




0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
idclass Class-ID numeric 0 1 1 224 409 218.3217 113.4951 ▅▇▆▇▇


School track


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
schtype School track factor FALSE 1. Gymnasium (academic track),
2. Realschule,
3. schools with several courses of education
0 1 3 Gym: 2162, Rea: 1338, sch: 1045


Same math teacher in both school years


19 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
sameteach Same math teacher in both school years factor FALSE 1. No,
2. Yes
19 0.9958196 2 Yes: 2561, No: 1965


8 years to Abitur (G8) or 9 years to Abitur (G9)


2142 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
g8g9 8 years to Abitur (G8) or 9 years to Abitur (G9) factor FALSE 1. G8 - 8 years to abitur,
2. G9 - 9 years to abitur
2142 0.5287129 2 G8 : 2253, G9 : 150


All-day school service available


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
ganztag All-day school service available factor FALSE 1. No,
2. Yes
0 1 2 No: 3630, Yes: 915


Class size


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
classsize Class size numeric 0 1 1 21 29 20.10539 4.888828 ▁▁▃▇▅


Grade repetition


294 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
repeated Grade repetition factor FALSE 1. Did not repeat a grade,
2. Repeated a grade
294 0.9353135 2 Did: 3750, Rep: 501




0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
gender Gender factor FALSE 1. Female,
2. Male
0 1 2 Fem: 2333, Mal: 2212


Age of student at T1


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
age Age of student at T1 numeric 0 1 14 15 16 15.4017 0.4534962 ▁▁▇▇▃


Language at home


380 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
language Language at home factor FALSE 1. German,
2. Bosnian,
3. Greek,
4. Italian,
5. Kurdish,
6. Polish,
7. Russian,
8. Serbian,
9. Turkish,
10. Another language
380 0.9163916 10 Ger: 3936, Tur: 75, Ano: 70, Rus: 42


Immigration status


491 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
migration Immigration status factor FALSE 1. Native,
2. First-Generation,
3. Second-Generation
491 0.8919692 3 Nat: 3619, Sec: 317, Fir: 118


Highest educational level of parents


496 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
hisced Highest educational level of parents factor FALSE 1. None,
2. ISCED 2,
3. ISCED 3B, C,
4. ISCED 3A, 4,
5. ISCED 5B,
6. ISCED 5A, 6
496 0.8908691 6 ISC: 1499, ISC: 926, ISC: 746, ISC: 710


Highest parental occupational status


676 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
hisei Highest parental occupational status numeric 676 0.8512651 10 51 89 52.39959 15.89733 ▁▆▇▆▂


Home possessions (WLE)


311 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
homepos Home possessions (WLE) numeric 311 0.9315732 -6 0.38 3.5 0.4172508 0.7669632 ▁▁▁▇▁


How many books at home


375 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
books How many books at home factor FALSE 1. 0-10 books,
2. 11-25 books,
3. 26-100 books,
4. 101-200 books,
5. 201-500 books,
6. More than 500 books
375 0.9174917 6 26-: 1212, 101: 893, 201: 859, Mor: 537


Highest parental education in years


496 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
pared Highest parental education in years numeric 496 0.8908691 3 15 18 14.57446 3.141107 ▁▁▃▇▇


First use of computers


363 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
computer_age First use of computers factor FALSE 1. 6 years old or younger,
2. 7-9 years old,
3. 10-12 years old,
4. 13 years old or older,
5. Never
363 0.920132 5 7-9: 2161, 6 y: 1023, 10-: 883, 13 : 108


First access to internet


382 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
internet_age First access to internet factor FALSE 1. 6 years old or younger,
2. 7-9 years old,
3. 10-12 years old,
4. 13 years old or older,
5. Never
382 0.9159516 5 10-: 1893, 7-9: 1635, 13 : 337, 6 y: 297


Internet out-of-school - weekday


361 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
int_use_a_t1 Internet out-of-school - weekday factor FALSE 1. No time,
2. 1-30 minutes,
3. 31-60 minutes,
4. Between 1 and 2 hours,
5. Between 2 and 4 hours,
6. Between 4 and 6 hours,
7. More than 6 hours
361 0.9205721 7 Bet: 1319, Bet: 1090, 31-: 699, Bet: 375


Internet out-of-school - weekend


353 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
int_use_b_t1 Internet out-of-school - weekend factor FALSE 1. No time,
2. 1-30 minutes,
3. 31-60 minutes,
4. Between 1 and 2 hours,
5. Between 2 and 4 hours,
6. Between 4 and 6 hours,
7. More than 6 hours
353 0.9223322 7 Bet: 1221, Bet: 912, Bet: 742, Mor: 500


School grade in German (First school semester) (T1)


81 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_de_t1 School grade in German (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
81 0.9821782 5 sat: 2012, goo: 1232, suf: 965, ver: 165


School grade in mathematics (First school semester) (T1)


94 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_ma_t1 School grade in mathematics (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
94 0.9793179 5 sat: 1622, suf: 1195, goo: 1060, ver: 288


School grade in biology (First school semester) (T1)


882 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_bio_t1 School grade in biology (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
882 0.8059406 5 sat: 1502, goo: 1143, suf: 691, ver: 264


School grade in chemistry (First school semester) (T1)


567 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_che_t1 School grade in chemistry (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
567 0.8752475 5 sat: 1565, goo: 1102, suf: 866, ver: 328


School grade in physics (First school semester) (T1)


698 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_phy_t1 School grade in physics (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
698 0.8464246 5 sat: 1536, goo: 1010, suf: 881, ver: 301


School grade in science (First school semester) (T1)


4063 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique top_counts
grade_sci_t1 School grade in science (First school semester) (T1) factor FALSE 1. very good,
2. good,
3. satisfactory,
4. sufficient,
5. deficient
4063 0.1060506 5 goo: 202, sat: 185, suf: 65, ver: 27

Scale: Truancy_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.73 [0.71;0.74].

Missing: 306.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.3135
Omega Psych Tot 0.4601
Omega Psych H 0.03502
Omega Ordinal 0.727
Cronbach Alpha 0.3126
Greatest Lower Bound 0.4811
Alpha Ordinal 0.6843

Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: truancy_a_t1, truancy_b_t1, truancy_c_t1
##               Observations: 4239
##      Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.31
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.04
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.46
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.48
##              Coefficient H: 0.54
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.31
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.28, 0.34]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.28, 0.34]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.73
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.73
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.68
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.71, 0.74]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.67, 0.7]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 1.402, 0.919, 0.679
## Loadings:
##              PC1  
## truancy_a_t1 0.495
## truancy_b_t1 0.777
## truancy_c_t1 0.744
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    1.402
## Proportion Var 0.467
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed mad min max range skew
## truancy_a_t1    1 4239 1.22 0.53      1    1.09   0   1   4     3 2.94
## truancy_b_t1    2 4239 1.03 0.22      1    1.00   0   1   4     3 8.38
## truancy_c_t1    3 4239 1.07 0.30      1    1.00   0   1   4     3 4.88
##              kurtosis   se
## truancy_a_t1     9.78 0.01
## truancy_b_t1    87.33 0.00
## truancy_c_t1    27.99 0.00

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
truancy_a_t1 Late for School haven_labelled 1. None,
2. One or two times,
3. Three or four times,
4. Five or more times
301 0.9337734 1 1 4 1.217483 0.5340763 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
truancy_b_t1 Skip whole school day haven_labelled 1. None,
2. One or two times,
3. Three or four times,
4. Five or more times
303 0.9333333 1 1 4 1.033710 0.2183405 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
truancy_c_t1 Skip classes within school day haven_labelled 1. None,
2. One or two times,
3. Three or four times,
4. Five or more times
305 0.9328933 1 1 4 1.070755 0.2973396 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

Scale: Math_Interest_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.91 [0.9;0.92].

Missing: 1774.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8815
Omega Psych Tot 0.8839
Omega Psych H 0.8532
Omega Ordinal 0.9099
Cronbach Alpha 0.8698
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8916
Alpha Ordinal 0.9083

Positive correlations: 6 out of 6 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: int_a_t1, int_b_t1, int_c_t1, int_d_t1
##               Observations: 2771
##      Positive correlations: 6 out of 6 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.88
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.85
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.88
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.89
##              Coefficient H: 0.91
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.87
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.87, 0.89]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.86, 0.88]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.91
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.91
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.91
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.9, 0.92]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.9, 0.91]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.882, 0.513, 0.399, 0.207
## Loadings:
##          PC1  
## int_a_t1 0.770
## int_b_t1 0.885
## int_c_t1 0.903
## int_d_t1 0.829
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    2.882
## Proportion Var 0.720
##          vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## int_a_t1    1 2771 1.77 0.79      2    1.67 1.48   1   4     3  0.77
## int_b_t1    2 2771 2.20 0.94      2    2.13 1.48   1   4     3  0.28
## int_c_t1    3 2771 2.21 1.02      2    2.14 1.48   1   4     3  0.37
## int_d_t1    4 2771 2.57 0.95      3    2.59 1.48   1   4     3 -0.07
##          kurtosis   se
## int_a_t1    -0.02 0.01
## int_b_t1    -0.87 0.02
## int_c_t1    -1.01 0.02
## int_d_t1    -0.93 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
int_a_t1 Enjoy reading haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1728 0.6198020 1 2 4 1.764288 0.7836865 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▂▁▁
int_b_t1 Look forward to lessons haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1728 0.6198020 1 2 4 2.210863 0.9431172 4 ▆▁▇▁▁▆▁▂
int_c_t1 Enjoy math haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1750 0.6149615 1 2 4 2.214311 1.0241584 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▆▁▃
int_d_t1 Interested haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1738 0.6176018 1 3 4 2.577485 0.9534603 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▇▁▅

Scale: Instrumental_Motivation_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.9 [0.9;0.91].

Missing: 1758.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8629
Omega Psych Tot 0.8791
Omega Psych H 0.8467
Omega Ordinal 0.9013
Cronbach Alpha 0.8622
Greatest Lower Bound 0.862
Alpha Ordinal 0.9004

Positive correlations: 6 out of 6 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: instmot_a_t1, instmot_b_t1, instmot_c_t1, instmot_d_t1
##               Observations: 2787
##      Positive correlations: 6 out of 6 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.86
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.85
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.88
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.86
##              Coefficient H: 0.87
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.86
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.85, 0.87]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.85, 0.87]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.9
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.9
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.9
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.9, 0.91]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.89, 0.91]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.847, 0.476, 0.378, 0.3
## Loadings:
##              PC1  
## instmot_a_t1 0.827
## instmot_b_t1 0.873
## instmot_c_t1 0.809
## instmot_d_t1 0.863
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    2.847
## Proportion Var 0.712
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## instmot_a_t1    1 2787 2.77 0.86      3    2.82 1.48   1   4     3 -0.30
## instmot_b_t1    2 2787 2.99 0.88      3    3.09 1.48   1   4     3 -0.65
## instmot_c_t1    3 2787 2.58 1.01      3    2.60 1.48   1   4     3 -0.10
## instmot_d_t1    4 2787 2.82 0.90      3    2.88 1.48   1   4     3 -0.36
##              kurtosis   se
## instmot_a_t1    -0.56 0.02
## instmot_b_t1    -0.22 0.02
## instmot_c_t1    -1.07 0.02
## instmot_d_t1    -0.64 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
instmot_a_t1 Worthwhile for Work haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1728 0.6198020 1 3 4 2.773873 0.8621123 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
instmot_b_t1 Worthwhile for Career Chances haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1738 0.6176018 1 3 4 2.992163 0.8801744 4 ▂▁▃▁▁▇▁▆
instmot_c_t1 Important for Future Study haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1743 0.6165017 1 3 4 2.577088 1.0044259 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
instmot_d_t1 Helps to Get a Job haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1735 0.6182618 1 3 4 2.817794 0.8998853 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▇▁▅

Scale: Subjective_Norms_Friends_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.59 [0.57;0.62].

Missing: 1783.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.4886
Omega Psych Tot 0.5053
Omega Psych H 0.04562
Omega Ordinal 0.5945
Cronbach Alpha 0.4772
Greatest Lower Bound 0.5228
Alpha Ordinal 0.5736

Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: norms_a_t1, norms_b_t1, norms_c_t1
##               Observations: 2762
##      Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.49
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.05
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.51
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.52
##              Coefficient H: 0.54
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.48
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.46, 0.52]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.44, 0.51]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.59
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.59
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.57
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.57, 0.62]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.55, 0.6]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 1.478, 0.847, 0.674
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## norms_a_t1 0.723
## norms_b_t1 0.609
## norms_c_t1 0.765
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    1.478
## Proportion Var 0.493
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew
## norms_a_t1    1 2762 2.57 0.68      3    2.55 1.48   1   4     3 0.04
## norms_b_t1    2 2762 2.32 0.72      2    2.33 0.00   1   4     3 0.30
## norms_c_t1    3 2762 1.52 0.66      1    1.43 0.00   1   4     3 1.15
##            kurtosis   se
## norms_a_t1    -0.25 0.01
## norms_b_t1    -0.06 0.01
## norms_c_t1     1.24 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
norms_a_t1 Friends Do Well in Mathematics haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1733 0.6187019 1 3 4 2.565078 0.6870999 4 ▁▁▇▁▁▇▁▁
norms_b_t1 Friends Work Hard on Mathematics haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1753 0.6143014 1 2 4 2.317335 0.7239668 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▅▁▁
norms_c_t1 Friends Enjoy Mathematics Tests haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1733 0.6187019 1 1 4 1.526316 0.6601566 4 ▇▁▆▁▁▁▁▁

Scale: Subjective_Norms_Parents_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.72 [0.7;0.74].

Missing: 1844.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.6343
Omega Psych Tot 0.6533
Omega Psych H 0.03021
Omega Ordinal 0.7184
Cronbach Alpha 0.6017
Greatest Lower Bound 0.6819
Alpha Ordinal 0.6827

Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: norms_d_t1, norms_e_t1, norms_f_t1
##               Observations: 2701
##      Positive correlations: 3 out of 3 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.63
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.03
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.65
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.68
##              Coefficient H: 0.75
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.6
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.61, 0.66]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.58, 0.63]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.72
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.72
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.68
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.7, 0.74]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.66, 0.7]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 1.704, 0.824, 0.472
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## norms_d_t1 0.807
## norms_e_t1 0.839
## norms_f_t1 0.591
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    1.704
## Proportion Var 0.568
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## norms_d_t1    1 2701 3.38 0.68      3    3.48 1.48   1   4     3 -0.91
## norms_e_t1    2 2701 3.25 0.76      3    3.34 1.48   1   4     3 -0.76
## norms_f_t1    3 2701 2.65 0.80      3    2.66 1.48   1   4     3 -0.23
##            kurtosis   se
## norms_d_t1     0.65 0.01
## norms_e_t1     0.09 0.01
## norms_f_t1    -0.36 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
norms_d_t1 Parents Believe Studying Mathematics Is Important haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1752 0.6145215 1 3 4 3.389545 0.6766084 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▇
norms_e_t1 Parents Believe Mathematics Is Important for Career haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1748 0.6154015 1 3 4 3.240257 0.7627193 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▇
norms_f_t1 Parents Like Mathematics haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1779 0.6085809 1 3 4 2.653652 0.7946926 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▂

Scale: Math_Anxiety_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.88 [0.87;0.89].

Missing: 1829.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8409
Omega Psych Tot 0.8697
Omega Psych H 0.7131
Omega Ordinal 0.8819
Cronbach Alpha 0.8359
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8337
Alpha Ordinal 0.8811

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: anxiety_a_t1, anxiety_b_t1, anxiety_c_t1, anxiety_d_t1, anxiety_e_t1
##               Observations: 2716
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.84
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.71
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.87
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.83
##              Coefficient H: 0.85
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.84
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.83, 0.85]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.83, 0.85]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.88
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.88
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.88
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.87, 0.89]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.87, 0.89]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.04, 0.755, 0.457, 0.419, 0.329
## Loadings:
##              PC1  
## anxiety_a_t1 0.837
## anxiety_b_t1 0.777
## anxiety_c_t1 0.721
## anxiety_d_t1 0.800
## anxiety_e_t1 0.758
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.040
## Proportion Var 0.608
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## anxiety_a_t1    1 2716 2.54 1.01      3    2.55 1.48   1   4     3 -0.06
## anxiety_b_t1    2 2716 2.02 0.93      2    1.92 1.48   1   4     3  0.58
## anxiety_c_t1    3 2716 1.90 0.87      2    1.79 1.48   1   4     3  0.78
## anxiety_d_t1    4 2716 1.88 0.88      2    1.79 1.48   1   4     3  0.67
## anxiety_e_t1    5 2716 2.53 1.10      3    2.53 1.48   1   4     3 -0.04
##              kurtosis   se
## anxiety_a_t1    -1.10 0.02
## anxiety_b_t1    -0.57 0.02
## anxiety_c_t1    -0.05 0.02
## anxiety_d_t1    -0.43 0.02
## anxiety_e_t1    -1.31 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
anxiety_a_t1 Worry That It Will Be Difficult haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1759 0.6129813 1 3 4 2.538047 1.0109751 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
anxiety_b_t1 Get Very Tense haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1791 0.6059406 1 2 4 2.015251 0.9304471 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▅▁▂
anxiety_c_t1 Get Very Nervous haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1753 0.6143014 1 2 4 1.896490 0.8697071 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▂▁▁
anxiety_d_t1 Feel Helpless haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1771 0.6103410 1 2 4 1.879236 0.8818693 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▃▁▁
anxiety_e_t1 Worry About Getting Poor Grades haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1762 0.6123212 1 3 4 2.523176 1.0967331 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▇▁▇

Scale: Math_Self_Concept_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.92 [0.92;0.93].

Missing: 1840.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.89
Omega Psych Tot 0.9049
Omega Psych H 0.8572
Omega Ordinal 0.9213
Cronbach Alpha 0.8881
Greatest Lower Bound 0.898
Alpha Ordinal 0.9206

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: selfcon_a_t1R, selfcon_b_t1, selfcon_c_t1, selfcon_d_t1, selfcon_e_t1
##               Observations: 2705
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.89
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.86
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.9
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.9
##              Coefficient H: 0.89
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.89
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.88, 0.9]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.88, 0.89]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.92
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.92
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.92
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.92, 0.93]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.92, 0.93]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.465, 0.532, 0.402, 0.32, 0.281
## Loadings:
##               PC1  
## selfcon_a_t1R 0.857
## selfcon_b_t1  0.791
## selfcon_c_t1  0.869
## selfcon_d_t1  0.825
## selfcon_e_t1  0.818
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.465
## Proportion Var 0.693
##               vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## selfcon_a_t1R    1 2705 2.84 1.01      3    2.93 1.48   1   4     3 -0.47
## selfcon_b_t1     2 2705 2.77 0.90      3    2.81 1.48   1   4     3 -0.19
## selfcon_c_t1     3 2705 2.64 0.94      3    2.67 1.48   1   4     3 -0.11
## selfcon_d_t1     4 2705 2.19 1.06      2    2.12 1.48   1   4     3  0.44
## selfcon_e_t1     5 2705 2.36 0.94      2    2.33 1.48   1   4     3  0.08
##               kurtosis   se
## selfcon_a_t1R    -0.88 0.02
## selfcon_b_t1     -0.81 0.02
## selfcon_c_t1     -0.90 0.02
## selfcon_d_t1     -1.05 0.02
## selfcon_e_t1     -0.91 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
selfcon_a_t1R Not Good at Maths (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1754 0.6140814 1 3 4 2.844858 1.0071116 4 ▃▁▅▁▁▇▁▇
selfcon_b_t1 Get Good Grades haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1780 0.6083608 1 3 4 2.765642 0.8958289 4 ▂▁▆▁▁▇▁▅
selfcon_c_t1 Learn Quickly haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1767 0.6112211 1 3 4 2.633549 0.9406120 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
selfcon_d_t1 One of Best Subjects haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1759 0.6129813 1 2 4 2.184853 1.0614513 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▅▁▃
selfcon_e_t1 Understand Difficult Work haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1773 0.6099010 1 2 4 2.356061 0.9352105 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▃

Scale: Math_Work_Ethic_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.8 [0.79;0.81].

Missing: 1854.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7561
Omega Psych Tot 0.8679
Omega Psych H 0.627
Omega Ordinal 0.7977
Cronbach Alpha 0.8108
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8796
Alpha Ordinal 0.8484

Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: worketh_a_t1, worketh_b_t1, worketh_c_t1, worketh_d_t1, worketh_e_t1, worketh_f_t1, worketh_g_t1, worketh_h_t1, worketh_i_t1
##               Observations: 2691
##      Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.76
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.63
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.87
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.88
##              Coefficient H: 0.92
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.81
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.74, 0.77]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.8, 0.82]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.8
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.63
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.85
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.79, 0.81]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.84, 0.86]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.668, 1.277, 0.999, 0.768, 0.634, 0.612, 0.502, 0.404, 0.135
## Loadings:
##              TC1    TC2   
## worketh_a_t1  0.330  0.400
## worketh_b_t1  0.274  0.550
## worketh_c_t1         0.747
## worketh_d_t1 -0.151  0.757
## worketh_e_t1         0.734
## worketh_f_t1  0.912       
## worketh_g_t1  0.913       
## worketh_h_t1  0.653  0.104
## worketh_i_t1  0.406  0.288
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    2.475 2.229
## Proportion Var 0.275 0.248
## Cumulative Var 0.275 0.523
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## worketh_a_t1    1 2691 3.05 0.87      3    3.13 1.48   1   4     3 -0.58
## worketh_b_t1    2 2691 2.67 0.85      3    2.70 1.48   1   4     3 -0.12
## worketh_c_t1    3 2691 2.98 0.81      3    3.02 1.48   1   4     3 -0.36
## worketh_d_t1    4 2691 2.58 0.91      3    2.60 1.48   1   4     3  0.00
## worketh_e_t1    5 2691 2.89 0.86      3    2.94 1.48   1   4     3 -0.41
## worketh_f_t1    6 2691 3.01 0.79      3    3.06 1.48   1   4     3 -0.45
## worketh_g_t1    7 2691 3.07 0.78      3    3.13 0.00   1   4     3 -0.61
## worketh_h_t1    8 2691 2.67 0.85      3    2.68 1.48   1   4     3 -0.07
## worketh_i_t1    9 2691 2.73 0.81      3    2.74 1.48   1   4     3 -0.17
##              kurtosis   se
## worketh_a_t1    -0.43 0.02
## worketh_b_t1    -0.63 0.02
## worketh_c_t1    -0.54 0.02
## worketh_d_t1    -0.82 0.02
## worketh_e_t1    -0.47 0.02
## worketh_f_t1    -0.27 0.02
## worketh_g_t1     0.11 0.01
## worketh_h_t1    -0.66 0.02
## worketh_i_t1    -0.50 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
worketh_a_t1 Homework Completed in Time haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1731 0.6191419 1 3 4 3.061478 0.8677916 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▇
worketh_b_t1 Work Hard on Homework haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1731 0.6191419 1 3 4 2.686212 0.8536584 4 ▂▁▆▁▁▇▁▃
worketh_c_t1 Prepared for Exams haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1762 0.6123212 1 3 4 2.979519 0.8079032 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▅
worketh_d_t1 Study Hard for Quizzes haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1735 0.6182618 1 3 4 2.595018 0.9090209 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
worketh_e_t1 Study Until I Understand Everything haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1763 0.6121012 1 3 4 2.895399 0.8565926 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▅
worketh_f_t1 Pay Attention in Classes haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1740 0.6171617 1 3 4 3.013547 0.7849069 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▅
worketh_g_t1 Listen in Classes haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1733 0.6187019 1 3 4 3.068990 0.7727611 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▅
worketh_h_t1 Avoid Distractions When Studying haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1736 0.6180418 1 3 4 2.680669 0.8470159 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
worketh_i_t1 Keep Work Organized haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1752 0.6145215 1 3 4 2.722163 0.8114506 4 ▁▁▆▁▁▇▁▃

Scale: Math_Intentions_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.86 [0.85;0.87].

Missing: 2400.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7468
Omega Psych Tot 0.8185
Omega Psych H 0.4831
Omega Ordinal 0.8575
Cronbach Alpha 0.7433
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8039
Alpha Ordinal 0.8535

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: intent_a_t1, intent_b_t1, intent_c_t1, intent_d_t1, intent_e_t1
##               Observations: 2145
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.75
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.48
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.82
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.8
##              Coefficient H: 0.82
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.74
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.73, 0.76]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.73, 0.76]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.86
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.83
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.85
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.85, 0.87]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.84, 0.86]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.505, 1.143, 0.507, 0.491, 0.354
## Loadings:
##             TC1    TC2   
## intent_a_t1         0.856
## intent_b_t1  0.840       
## intent_c_t1         0.865
## intent_d_t1  0.859 -0.128
## intent_e_t1  0.820  0.107
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    2.117 1.512
## Proportion Var 0.423 0.302
## Cumulative Var 0.423 0.726
##             vars    n mean   sd median trimmed mad min max range  skew
## intent_a_t1    1 2145 1.48 0.50      1    1.47   0   1   2     1  0.10
## intent_b_t1    2 2145 1.61 0.49      2    1.64   0   1   2     1 -0.47
## intent_c_t1    3 2145 1.40 0.49      1    1.38   0   1   2     1  0.39
## intent_d_t1    4 2145 1.56 0.50      2    1.57   0   1   2     1 -0.24
## intent_e_t1    5 2145 1.62 0.49      2    1.65   0   1   2     1 -0.50
##             kurtosis   se
## intent_a_t1    -1.99 0.01
## intent_b_t1    -1.78 0.01
## intent_c_t1    -1.85 0.01
## intent_d_t1    -1.94 0.01
## intent_e_t1    -1.75 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
intent_a_t1 Mathematics vs. Language Courses After School haven_labelled 1. Courses after school Math,
2. Courses after school Test Language
2075 0.5434543 1 2 2 1.500405 0.5001011 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_b_t1 Mathematics vs. Science Related Major in College haven_labelled 1. Major in college Math,
2. Major in college Science
2084 0.5414741 1 2 2 1.620886 0.4852652 2 ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_c_t1 Study Harder in Mathematics vs. Language Classes haven_labelled 1. Study harder Math,
2. Study harder Test Language
1982 0.5639164 1 1 2 1.411627 0.4922243 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▆
intent_d_t1 Take Maximum Number of Mathematics vs. Science Classes haven_labelled 1. Maximum classes Math,
2. Maximum classes Science
2068 0.5449945 1 2 2 1.551877 0.4974019 2 ▆▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_e_t1 Pursuing a Career That Involves Mathematics vs. Science haven_labelled 1. Pursuing a career Math,
2. Pursuing a career Science
2125 0.5324532 1 2 2 1.616942 0.4862327 2 ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇

Scale: Math_Intentions_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.88 [0.87;0.89].

Missing: 1472.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7766
Omega Psych Tot 0.8507
Omega Psych H 0.5186
Omega Ordinal 0.8812
Cronbach Alpha 0.7739
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8442
Alpha Ordinal 0.8787

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: intent_a_t2, intent_b_t2, intent_c_t2, intent_d_t2, intent_e_t2
##               Observations: 3073
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.78
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.52
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.85
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.84
##              Coefficient H: 0.84
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.77
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.76, 0.79]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.76, 0.79]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.88
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.86
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.88
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.87, 0.89]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.87, 0.89]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.662, 1.057, 0.534, 0.425, 0.322
## Loadings:
##             TC1    TC2   
## intent_a_t2         0.846
## intent_b_t2  0.838       
## intent_c_t2         0.875
## intent_d_t2  0.882 -0.113
## intent_e_t2  0.840       
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    2.188 1.506
## Proportion Var 0.438 0.301
## Cumulative Var 0.438 0.739
##             vars    n mean   sd median trimmed mad min max range  skew
## intent_a_t2    1 3073 1.48 0.50      1    1.47   0   1   2     1  0.08
## intent_b_t2    2 3073 1.62 0.48      2    1.66   0   1   2     1 -0.52
## intent_c_t2    3 3073 1.43 0.49      1    1.41   0   1   2     1  0.29
## intent_d_t2    4 3073 1.53 0.50      2    1.53   0   1   2     1 -0.10
## intent_e_t2    5 3073 1.62 0.48      2    1.65   0   1   2     1 -0.51
##             kurtosis   se
## intent_a_t2    -1.99 0.01
## intent_b_t2    -1.74 0.01
## intent_c_t2    -1.92 0.01
## intent_d_t2    -1.99 0.01
## intent_e_t2    -1.74 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
intent_a_t2 Mathematics vs. Language Courses After School haven_labelled 1. Courses after school Math,
2. Courses after school Test Language
848 0.8134213 1 1 2 1.492562 0.5000123 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_b_t2 Mathematics vs. Science Related Major in College haven_labelled 1. Major in college Math,
2. Major in college Science
857 0.8114411 1 2 2 1.628254 0.4833366 2 ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_c_t2 Study Harder in Mathematics vs. Language Classes haven_labelled 1. Study harder Math,
2. Study harder Test Language
571 0.8743674 1 1 2 1.445647 0.4970995 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▆
intent_d_t2 Take Maximum Number of Mathematics vs. Science Classes haven_labelled 1. Maximum classes Math,
2. Maximum classes Science
741 0.8369637 1 2 2 1.518927 0.4997073 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
intent_e_t2 Pursuing a Career That Involves Mathematics vs. Science haven_labelled 1. Pursuing a career Math,
2. Pursuing a career Science
877 0.8070407 1 2 2 1.598691 0.4902301 2 ▆▁▁▁▁▁▁▇

Scale: Math_Behaviour_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.68 [0.66;0.7].

Missing: 1799.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.5292
Omega Psych Tot 0.6243
Omega Psych H 0.3111
Omega Ordinal 0.677
Cronbach Alpha 0.5234
Greatest Lower Bound 0.6447
Alpha Ordinal 0.6784

Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: behav_a_t1, behav_b_t1, behav_c_t1, behav_d_t1, behav_e_t1, behav_f_t1, behav_g_t1, behav_h_t1
##               Observations: 2746
##      Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.53
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.31
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.62
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.64
##              Coefficient H: 0.61
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.52
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.5, 0.56]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.5, 0.55]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.68
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.66
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.68
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.66, 0.7]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.66, 0.7]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 1.925, 1.162, 1.054, 0.959, 0.843, 0.821, 0.668, 0.567
## Loadings:
##            TC1    TC3    TC2   
## behav_a_t1  0.622              
## behav_b_t1  0.738              
## behav_c_t1  0.437  0.599 -0.102
## behav_d_t1  0.483 -0.105  0.378
## behav_e_t1         0.832       
## behav_f_t1  0.213 -0.145  0.701
## behav_g_t1 -0.113  0.117  0.620
## behav_h_t1 -0.270  0.482  0.462
##                  TC1   TC3   TC2
## SS loadings    1.487 1.342 1.244
## Proportion Var 0.186 0.168 0.156
## Cumulative Var 0.186 0.354 0.509
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew
## behav_a_t1    1 2746 1.81 0.74      2    1.73 1.48   1   4     3 0.63
## behav_b_t1    2 2746 2.08 0.85      2    2.04 1.48   1   4     3 0.37
## behav_c_t1    3 2746 1.93 0.77      2    1.88 1.48   1   4     3 0.48
## behav_d_t1    4 2746 1.26 0.65      1    1.09 0.00   1   4     3 2.72
## behav_e_t1    5 2746 1.33 0.58      1    1.22 0.00   1   4     3 1.84
## behav_f_t1    6 2746 1.47 0.78      1    1.29 0.00   1   4     3 1.71
## behav_g_t1    7 2746 1.44 0.79      1    1.26 0.00   1   4     3 1.75
## behav_h_t1    8 2746 1.06 0.32      1    1.00 0.00   1   4     3 6.79
##            kurtosis   se
## behav_a_t1    -0.02 0.01
## behav_b_t1    -0.57 0.02
## behav_c_t1    -0.25 0.01
## behav_d_t1     7.04 0.01
## behav_e_t1     3.42 0.01
## behav_f_t1     2.29 0.01
## behav_g_t1     2.19 0.01
## behav_h_t1    50.88 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
behav_a_t1 Talk about Maths with Friends haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1734 0.6184818 1 2 4 1.810744 0.7425347 4 ▆▁▇▁▁▂▁▁
behav_b_t1 Help Friends with Maths haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1725 0.6204620 1 2 4 2.091844 0.8559233 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▅▁▁
behav_c_t1 Extracurricular Activity haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1748 0.6154015 1 2 4 1.933858 0.7725540 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▃▁▁
behav_d_t1 Participate in Competitions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1729 0.6195820 1 1 4 1.266690 0.6525576 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
behav_e_t1 Study More Than 2 Extra Hours a Day haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1732 0.6189219 1 1 4 1.329541 0.5859653 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
behav_f_t1 Play Chess haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1737 0.6178218 1 1 4 1.471154 0.7831644 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
behav_g_t1 Computer programming haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1733 0.6187019 1 1 4 1.442390 0.7821531 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
behav_h_t1 Participate in Math Club haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1729 0.6195820 1 1 4 1.056108 0.3193771 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

Scale: Math_Behaviour_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.79 [0.78;0.8].

Missing: 126.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.6687
Omega Psych Tot 0.7584
Omega Psych H 0.4571
Omega Ordinal 0.7865
Cronbach Alpha 0.6645
Greatest Lower Bound 0.7617
Alpha Ordinal 0.7876

Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: behav_a_t2, behav_b_t2, behav_c_t2, behav_d_t2, behav_e_t2, behav_f_t2, behav_g_t2, behav_h_t2
##               Observations: 4419
##      Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.67
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.46
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.76
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.76
##              Coefficient H: 0.7
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.66
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.65, 0.68]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.65, 0.68]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.79
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.77
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.79
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.78, 0.8]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.78, 0.8]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.53, 1.239, 0.909, 0.846, 0.754, 0.652, 0.554, 0.516
## Loadings:
##            TC1    TC2   
## behav_a_t2  0.712       
## behav_b_t2  0.561       
## behav_c_t2  0.802       
## behav_d_t2  0.118  0.652
## behav_e_t2  0.671       
## behav_f_t2 -0.110  0.686
## behav_g_t2         0.587
## behav_h_t2         0.725
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    1.943 1.786
## Proportion Var 0.243 0.223
## Cumulative Var 0.243 0.466
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew
## behav_a_t2    1 4419 1.73 0.75      2    1.63 1.48   1   4     3 0.89
## behav_b_t2    2 4419 2.07 0.84      2    2.01 1.48   1   4     3 0.44
## behav_c_t2    3 4419 1.94 0.82      2    1.88 1.48   1   4     3 0.56
## behav_d_t2    4 4419 1.21 0.60      1    1.05 0.00   1   4     3 3.22
## behav_e_t2    5 4419 1.34 0.60      1    1.23 0.00   1   4     3 1.97
## behav_f_t2    6 4419 1.47 0.79      1    1.29 0.00   1   4     3 1.67
## behav_g_t2    7 4419 1.46 0.83      1    1.27 0.00   1   4     3 1.74
## behav_h_t2    8 4419 1.08 0.41      1    1.00 0.00   1   4     3 5.92
##            kurtosis   se
## behav_a_t2     0.58 0.01
## behav_b_t2    -0.37 0.01
## behav_c_t2    -0.24 0.01
## behav_d_t2    10.40 0.01
## behav_e_t2     4.32 0.01
## behav_f_t2     1.97 0.01
## behav_g_t2     2.01 0.01
## behav_h_t2    36.19 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
behav_a_t2 Talk about Maths with Friends haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
31 0.9931793 1 2 4 1.734382 0.7520596 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▂▁▁
behav_b_t2 Help Friends with Maths haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
34 0.9925193 1 2 4 2.064952 0.8373182 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▃▁▁
behav_c_t2 Extracurricular Activity haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
45 0.9900990 1 2 4 1.946444 0.8176880 4 ▆▁▇▁▁▃▁▁
behav_d_t2 Participate in Competitions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
46 0.9898790 1 1 4 1.215159 0.6056144 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
behav_e_t2 Study More Than 2 Extra Hours a Day haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
29 0.9936194 1 1 4 1.341895 0.6063732 4 ▇▁▃▁▁▁▁▁
behav_f_t2 Play Chess haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
35 0.9922992 1 1 4 1.472284 0.7967047 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
behav_g_t2 Computer programming haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
33 0.9927393 1 1 4 1.464982 0.8311796 4 ▇▁▂▁▁▁▁▁
behav_h_t2 Participate in Math Club haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
47 0.9896590 1 1 4 1.087817 0.4368791 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

Scale: Math_Teaching_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.88 [0.87;0.89].

Missing: 1770.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8454
Omega Psych Tot 0.8567
Omega Psych H 0.82
Omega Ordinal 0.8801
Cronbach Alpha 0.8421
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8655
Alpha Ordinal 0.8767

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: teach_a_t1, teach_b_t1, teach_c_t1, teach_d_t1, teach_e_t1
##               Observations: 2775
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.85
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.82
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.86
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.87
##              Coefficient H: 0.87
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.84
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.84, 0.85]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.83, 0.85]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.88
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.88
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.88
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.87, 0.89]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.87, 0.88]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.085, 0.63, 0.521, 0.442, 0.321
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## teach_a_t1 0.718
## teach_b_t1 0.868
## teach_c_t1 0.802
## teach_d_t1 0.805
## teach_e_t1 0.723
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.085
## Proportion Var 0.617
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## teach_a_t1    1 2775 2.40 0.96      2    2.37 1.48   1   4     3  0.08
## teach_b_t1    2 2775 2.93 1.00      3    3.04 1.48   1   4     3 -0.47
## teach_c_t1    3 2775 2.58 0.99      3    2.60 1.48   1   4     3 -0.05
## teach_d_t1    4 2775 2.78 1.05      3    2.85 1.48   1   4     3 -0.32
## teach_e_t1    5 2775 2.60 1.08      3    2.63 1.48   1   4     3 -0.10
##            kurtosis   se
## teach_a_t1    -0.96 0.02
## teach_b_t1    -0.93 0.02
## teach_c_t1    -1.04 0.02
## teach_d_t1    -1.13 0.02
## teach_e_t1    -1.28 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
teach_a_t1 Teacher shows interest haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1750 0.6149615 1 2 4 2.399284 0.9610151 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
teach_b_t1 Extra help haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1750 0.6149615 1 3 4 2.935242 0.9973621 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▆▁▇
teach_c_t1 Teacher helps haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1753 0.6143014 1 3 4 2.582020 0.9870566 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
teach_d_t1 Teacher continues haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1733 0.6187019 1 3 4 2.780583 1.0504221 4 ▃▁▆▁▁▇▁▇
teach_e_t1 Express opinions haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1730 0.6193619 1 3 4 2.602487 1.0826181 4 ▆▁▇▁▁▇▁▇

Scale: Math_Teaching_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.91 [0.9;0.91].

Missing: 130.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8771
Omega Psych Tot 0.893
Omega Psych H 0.8014
Omega Ordinal 0.9091
Cronbach Alpha 0.8766
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8764
Alpha Ordinal 0.9082

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: teach_a_t2, teach_b_t2, teach_c_t2, teach_d_t2, teach_e_t2
##               Observations: 4415
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.88
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.8
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.89
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.88
##              Coefficient H: 0.89
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.88
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.87, 0.88]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.87, 0.88]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.91
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.91
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.91
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.9, 0.91]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.9, 0.91]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.36, 0.547, 0.425, 0.369, 0.299
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## teach_a_t2 0.805
## teach_b_t2 0.872
## teach_c_t2 0.830
## teach_d_t2 0.821
## teach_e_t2 0.768
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.360
## Proportion Var 0.672
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## teach_a_t2    1 4415 2.36 0.96      2    2.32 1.48   1   4     3  0.15
## teach_b_t2    2 4415 2.91 0.97      3    3.01 1.48   1   4     3 -0.46
## teach_c_t2    3 4415 2.57 1.00      3    2.59 1.48   1   4     3 -0.08
## teach_d_t2    4 4415 2.71 1.04      3    2.76 1.48   1   4     3 -0.24
## teach_e_t2    5 4415 2.66 1.04      3    2.69 1.48   1   4     3 -0.20
##            kurtosis   se
## teach_a_t2    -0.94 0.01
## teach_b_t2    -0.81 0.01
## teach_c_t2    -1.05 0.02
## teach_d_t2    -1.14 0.02
## teach_e_t2    -1.13 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
teach_a_t2 Teacher shows interest haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
68 0.9850385 1 2 4 2.355148 0.9600270 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
teach_b_t2 Extra help haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
54 0.9881188 1 3 4 2.909597 0.9663949 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▇▁▇
teach_c_t2 Teacher helps haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
76 0.9832783 1 3 4 2.575073 0.9946211 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
teach_d_t2 Teacher continues haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
62 0.9863586 1 3 4 2.709792 1.0410409 4 ▅▁▆▁▁▇▁▇
teach_e_t2 Express opinions haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
58 0.9872387 1 3 4 2.657678 1.0365794 4 ▅▁▆▁▁▇▁▆

Scale: Cognitive_Activation_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.73 [0.72;0.75].

Missing: 1811.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.6904
Omega Psych Tot 0.7284
Omega Psych H 0.5301
Omega Ordinal 0.7323
Cronbach Alpha 0.6865
Greatest Lower Bound 0.7409
Alpha Ordinal 0.7292

Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: cognact_a_t1, cognact_b_t1, cognact_c_t1, cognact_d_t1, cognact_e_t1, cognact_f_t1, cognact_g_t1, cognact_h_t1, cognact_i_t1
##               Observations: 2734
##      Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.69
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.53
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.73
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.74
##              Coefficient H: 0.71
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.69
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.67, 0.71]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.67, 0.7]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.73
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.73
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.73
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.72, 0.75]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.71, 0.74]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.628, 1.071, 0.994, 0.894, 0.783, 0.744, 0.68, 0.627, 0.579
## Loadings:
##              TC1    TC2   
## cognact_a_t1  0.667       
## cognact_b_t1  0.277  0.625
## cognact_c_t1  0.470  0.151
## cognact_d_t1         0.875
## cognact_e_t1  0.647       
## cognact_f_t1  0.687 -0.160
## cognact_g_t1  0.491       
## cognact_h_t1  0.588       
## cognact_i_t1  0.393  0.180
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    2.381 1.243
## Proportion Var 0.265 0.138
## Cumulative Var 0.265 0.403
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## cognact_a_t1    1 2734 2.44 0.87      2    2.42 1.48   1   4     3  0.12
## cognact_b_t1    2 2734 2.67 0.78      3    2.67 1.48   1   4     3 -0.13
## cognact_c_t1    3 2734 2.39 0.96      2    2.36 1.48   1   4     3  0.10
## cognact_d_t1    4 2734 2.38 0.88      2    2.35 1.48   1   4     3  0.16
## cognact_e_t1    5 2734 2.67 0.86      3    2.71 1.48   1   4     3 -0.21
## cognact_f_t1    6 2734 2.61 0.94      3    2.63 1.48   1   4     3 -0.09
## cognact_g_t1    7 2734 3.15 0.81      3    3.23 1.48   1   4     3 -0.60
## cognact_h_t1    8 2734 2.90 0.82      3    2.93 1.48   1   4     3 -0.28
## cognact_i_t1    9 2734 2.59 0.87      3    2.61 1.48   1   4     3  0.01
##              kurtosis   se
## cognact_a_t1    -0.66 0.02
## cognact_b_t1    -0.40 0.01
## cognact_c_t1    -0.94 0.02
## cognact_d_t1    -0.67 0.02
## cognact_e_t1    -0.60 0.02
## cognact_f_t1    -0.90 0.02
## cognact_g_t1    -0.43 0.02
## cognact_h_t1    -0.59 0.02
## cognact_i_t1    -0.71 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
cognact_a_t1 Teacher Encourages to Reflect Problems haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1745 0.6160616 1 2 4 2.432857 0.8672883 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▆▁▂
cognact_b_t1 Gives Problems that Require to Think haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1745 0.6160616 1 3 4 2.672143 0.7818564 4 ▁▁▆▁▁▇▁▂
cognact_c_t1 Asks to Use Own Procedures haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1746 0.6158416 1 2 4 2.394069 0.9588275 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_d_t1 Presents Problems with No Obvious Solutions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1747 0.6156216 1 2 4 2.381344 0.8771737 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▆▁▂
cognact_e_t1 Presents Problems in Different Contexts haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1764 0.6118812 1 3 4 2.666667 0.8649864 4 ▂▁▆▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_f_t1 Helps Learn from Mistakes haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1758 0.6132013 1 3 4 2.608899 0.9453288 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▇▁▅
cognact_g_t1 Asks for Explanations haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1769 0.6107811 1 3 4 3.150937 0.8115734 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▇
cognact_h_t1 Apply What We Learned haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1759 0.6129813 1 3 4 2.904523 0.8226164 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▅
cognact_i_t1 Problems with Multiple Solutions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
1761 0.6125413 1 3 4 2.588003 0.8687573 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▃

Scale: Cognitive_Activation_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.83 [0.82;0.84].

Missing: 238.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7938
Omega Psych Tot 0.8179
Omega Psych H 0.6978
Omega Ordinal 0.8305
Cronbach Alpha 0.7919
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8202
Alpha Ordinal 0.829

Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: cognact_a_t2, cognact_b_t2, cognact_c_t2, cognact_d_t2, cognact_e_t2, cognact_f_t2, cognact_g_t2, cognact_h_t2, cognact_i_t2
##               Observations: 4307
##      Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.79
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.7
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.82
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.82
##              Coefficient H: 0.8
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.79
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.78, 0.8]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.78, 0.8]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.83
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.83
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.83
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.82, 0.84]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.82, 0.84]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.41, 0.92, 0.848, 0.748, 0.726, 0.664, 0.642, 0.535, 0.506
## Loadings:
##              PC1  
## cognact_a_t2 0.658
## cognact_b_t2 0.647
## cognact_c_t2 0.589
## cognact_d_t2 0.510
## cognact_e_t2 0.701
## cognact_f_t2 0.636
## cognact_g_t2 0.568
## cognact_h_t2 0.661
## cognact_i_t2 0.543
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.410
## Proportion Var 0.379
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## cognact_a_t2    1 4307 2.64 0.89      3    2.67 1.48   1   4     3 -0.07
## cognact_b_t2    2 4307 2.78 0.79      3    2.80 1.48   1   4     3 -0.27
## cognact_c_t2    3 4307 2.62 0.90      3    2.65 1.48   1   4     3 -0.09
## cognact_d_t2    4 4307 2.49 0.86      2    2.48 1.48   1   4     3  0.10
## cognact_e_t2    5 4307 2.73 0.86      3    2.77 1.48   1   4     3 -0.30
## cognact_f_t2    6 4307 2.65 0.95      3    2.68 1.48   1   4     3 -0.17
## cognact_g_t2    7 4307 3.18 0.85      3    3.28 1.48   1   4     3 -0.76
## cognact_h_t2    8 4307 2.88 0.81      3    2.91 1.48   1   4     3 -0.30
## cognact_i_t2    9 4307 2.62 0.83      3    2.63 1.48   1   4     3 -0.02
##              kurtosis   se
## cognact_a_t2    -0.76 0.01
## cognact_b_t2    -0.34 0.01
## cognact_c_t2    -0.77 0.01
## cognact_d_t2    -0.63 0.01
## cognact_e_t2    -0.54 0.01
## cognact_f_t2    -0.88 0.01
## cognact_g_t2    -0.21 0.01
## cognact_h_t2    -0.45 0.01
## cognact_i_t2    -0.61 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
cognact_a_t2 Teacher Encourages to Reflect Problems haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
54 0.9881188 1 3 4 2.641728 0.8847307 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_b_t2 Gives Problems that Require to Think haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
57 0.9874587 1 3 4 2.782754 0.7957410 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_c_t2 Asks to Use Own Procedures haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
39 0.9914191 1 3 4 2.617177 0.8989611 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_d_t2 Presents Problems with No Obvious Solutions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
44 0.9903190 1 2 4 2.489002 0.8582548 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▂
cognact_e_t2 Presents Problems in Different Contexts haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
44 0.9903190 1 3 4 2.727616 0.8664176 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_f_t2 Helps Learn from Mistakes haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
46 0.9898790 1 3 4 2.649033 0.9445290 4 ▃▁▆▁▁▇▁▅
cognact_g_t2 Asks for Explanations haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
45 0.9900990 1 3 4 3.187111 0.8444809 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▇
cognact_h_t2 Apply What We Learned haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
43 0.9905391 1 3 4 2.885606 0.8049071 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
cognact_i_t2 Problems with Multiple Solutions haven_labelled 1. Never or rarely,
2. Sometimes,
3. Often,
4. Always or almost always
65 0.9856986 1 3 4 2.620536 0.8344704 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▇▁▃

Scale: Disciplinary_Climate_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.92 [0.92;0.93].

Missing: 1782.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8982
Omega Psych Tot 0.9067
Omega Psych H 0.8698
Omega Ordinal 0.9229
Cronbach Alpha 0.8956
Greatest Lower Bound 0.9005
Alpha Ordinal 0.9213

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: discpline_a_t1, discpline_b_t1, discpline_c_t1, discpline_d_t1, discpline_e_t1
##               Observations: 2763
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.9
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.87
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.91
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.9
##              Coefficient H: 0.91
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.9
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.89, 0.9]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.89, 0.9]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.92
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.92
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.92
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.92, 0.93]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.92, 0.93]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.529, 0.512, 0.371, 0.334, 0.255
## Loadings:
##                PC1  
## discpline_a_t1 0.783
## discpline_b_t1 0.894
## discpline_c_t1 0.867
## discpline_d_t1 0.818
## discpline_e_t1 0.835
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.529
## Proportion Var 0.706
##                vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew
## discpline_a_t1    1 2763 2.27 0.88      2    2.22 1.48   1   4     3 0.43
## discpline_b_t1    2 2763 2.07 0.97      2    1.96 1.48   1   4     3 0.54
## discpline_c_t1    3 2763 2.18 0.96      2    2.09 1.48   1   4     3 0.41
## discpline_d_t1    4 2763 1.96 0.92      2    1.85 1.48   1   4     3 0.66
## discpline_e_t1    5 2763 1.98 0.98      2    1.86 1.48   1   4     3 0.63
##                kurtosis   se
## discpline_a_t1    -0.46 0.02
## discpline_b_t1    -0.71 0.02
## discpline_c_t1    -0.80 0.02
## discpline_d_t1    -0.48 0.02
## discpline_e_t1    -0.70 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
discpline_a_t1 Students Don’t Listen haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1748 0.6154015 1 2 4 2.271362 0.8811806 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_b_t1 Noise and Disorder haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1734 0.6184818 1 2 4 2.070082 0.9698651 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▅▁▂
discpline_c_t1 Teacher Has to Wait Until its Quiet haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1743 0.6165017 1 2 4 2.175232 0.9614046 4 ▆▁▇▁▁▅▁▂
discpline_d_t1 Students Don’t Work Well haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1753 0.6143014 1 2 4 1.953797 0.9228653 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_e_t1 Students Start Working Late haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
1754 0.6140814 1 2 4 1.973128 0.9755037 4 ▇▁▆▁▁▃▁▂

Scale: Disciplinary_Climate_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.93 [0.93;0.93].

Missing: 122.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.903
Omega Psych Tot 0.9089
Omega Psych H 0.8809
Omega Ordinal 0.9298
Cronbach Alpha 0.901
Greatest Lower Bound 0.908
Alpha Ordinal 0.9287

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: discpline_a_t2, discpline_b_t2, discpline_c_t2, discpline_d_t2, discpline_e_t2
##               Observations: 4423
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.9
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.88
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.91
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.91
##              Coefficient H: 0.91
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.9
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.9, 0.91]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.9, 0.91]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.93
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.93
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.93
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.93, 0.93]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.93, 0.93]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.589, 0.472, 0.383, 0.305, 0.251
## Loadings:
##                PC1  
## discpline_a_t2 0.796
## discpline_b_t2 0.883
## discpline_c_t2 0.888
## discpline_d_t2 0.848
## discpline_e_t2 0.818
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    3.589
## Proportion Var 0.718
##                vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew
## discpline_a_t2    1 4423 2.23 0.88      2    2.16 1.48   1   4     3 0.43
## discpline_b_t2    2 4423 1.96 0.94      2    1.85 1.48   1   4     3 0.69
## discpline_c_t2    3 4423 2.02 0.98      2    1.90 1.48   1   4     3 0.62
## discpline_d_t2    4 4423 1.97 0.96      2    1.85 1.48   1   4     3 0.68
## discpline_e_t2    5 4423 1.97 1.00      2    1.84 1.48   1   4     3 0.69
##                kurtosis   se
## discpline_a_t2    -0.45 0.01
## discpline_b_t2    -0.46 0.01
## discpline_c_t2    -0.64 0.01
## discpline_d_t2    -0.56 0.01
## discpline_e_t2    -0.67 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
discpline_a_t2 Students Don’t Listen haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
30 0.9933993 1 2 4 2.227907 0.8770803 4 ▃▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_b_t2 Noise and Disorder haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
44 0.9903190 1 2 4 1.955343 0.9380860 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_c_t2 Teacher Has to Wait Until its Quiet haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
60 0.9867987 1 2 4 2.018283 0.9754457 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_d_t2 Students Don’t Work Well haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
42 0.9907591 1 2 4 1.972685 0.9612252 4 ▇▁▇▁▁▃▁▂
discpline_e_t2 Students Start Working Late haven_labelled 1. Never or Hardly Ever,
2. Some Lessons,
3. Most Lessons,
4. Every Lesson
51 0.9887789 1 2 4 1.975745 0.9997057 4 ▇▁▆▁▁▃▁▂

Scale: Student_Teacher_Relations_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.81 [0.79;0.82].

Missing: 1798.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7612
Omega Psych Tot 0.795
Omega Psych H 0.6977
Omega Ordinal 0.8057
Cronbach Alpha 0.7568
Greatest Lower Bound 0.7957
Alpha Ordinal 0.8024

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: relation_a_t1, relation_b_t1, relation_c_t1, relation_d_t1, relation_e_t1
##               Observations: 2747
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.76
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.7
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.79
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.8
##              Coefficient H: 0.78
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.76
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.75, 0.78]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.74, 0.77]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.81
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.81
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.8
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.79, 0.82]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.79, 0.81]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.552, 0.803, 0.65, 0.544, 0.45
## Loadings:
##               PC1  
## relation_a_t1 0.665
## relation_b_t1 0.781
## relation_c_t1 0.765
## relation_d_t1 0.624
## relation_e_t1 0.724
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    2.552
## Proportion Var 0.510
##               vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## relation_a_t1    1 2747 2.95 0.69      3    2.97 0.00   1   4     3 -0.44
## relation_b_t1    2 2747 2.79 0.79      3    2.81 0.00   1   4     3 -0.29
## relation_c_t1    3 2747 2.76 0.75      3    2.77 0.00   1   4     3 -0.36
## relation_d_t1    4 2747 2.82 0.80      3    2.85 1.48   1   4     3 -0.30
## relation_e_t1    5 2747 3.01 0.81      3    3.08 0.00   1   4     3 -0.65
##               kurtosis   se
## relation_a_t1     0.41 0.01
## relation_b_t1    -0.30 0.02
## relation_c_t1    -0.03 0.01
## relation_d_t1    -0.36 0.02
## relation_e_t1     0.13 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
relation_a_t1 Get Along with Teachers haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1754 0.6140814 1 3 4 2.946614 0.6875872 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▂
relation_b_t1 Teachers Are Interested haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1744 0.6162816 1 3 4 2.789004 0.7847432 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
relation_c_t1 Teachers Listen to Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1736 0.6180418 1 3 4 2.760413 0.7452982 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▂
relation_d_t1 Teachers Help Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1732 0.6189219 1 3 4 2.824031 0.7996033 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
relation_e_t1 Teachers Treat Students Fair haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1734 0.6184818 1 3 4 3.005692 0.8025557 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▅

Scale: Student_Teacher_Relations_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.86 [0.85;0.86].

Missing: 195.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.8162
Omega Psych Tot 0.837
Omega Psych H 0.7778
Omega Ordinal 0.8551
Cronbach Alpha 0.8137
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8095
Alpha Ordinal 0.8524

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: relation_a_t2, relation_b_t2, relation_c_t2, relation_d_t2, relation_e_t2
##               Observations: 4350
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.82
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.78
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.84
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.81
##              Coefficient H: 0.83
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.81
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.81, 0.82]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.8, 0.82]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.86
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.86
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.85
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.85, 0.86]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.85, 0.86]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.883, 0.644, 0.632, 0.462, 0.379
## Loadings:
##               PC1  
## relation_a_t2 0.753
## relation_b_t2 0.820
## relation_c_t2 0.813
## relation_d_t2 0.691
## relation_e_t2 0.712
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    2.883
## Proportion Var 0.577
##               vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## relation_a_t2    1 4350 2.89 0.73      3    2.91 0.00   1   4     3 -0.52
## relation_b_t2    2 4350 2.68 0.79      3    2.70 1.48   1   4     3 -0.27
## relation_c_t2    3 4350 2.70 0.81      3    2.72 1.48   1   4     3 -0.32
## relation_d_t2    4 4350 2.74 0.83      3    2.77 1.48   1   4     3 -0.31
## relation_e_t2    5 4350 2.87 0.82      3    2.92 0.00   1   4     3 -0.50
##               kurtosis   se
## relation_a_t2     0.35 0.01
## relation_b_t2    -0.30 0.01
## relation_c_t2    -0.32 0.01
## relation_d_t2    -0.39 0.01
## relation_e_t2    -0.15 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
relation_a_t2 Get Along with Teachers haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
51 0.9887789 1 3 4 2.888295 0.7302446 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▂
relation_b_t2 Teachers Are Interested haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
64 0.9859186 1 3 4 2.688686 0.7912350 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▂
relation_c_t2 Teachers Listen to Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
62 0.9863586 1 3 4 2.693286 0.8081562 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▂
relation_d_t2 Teachers Help Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
91 0.9799780 1 3 4 2.739784 0.8250799 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
relation_e_t2 Teachers Treat Students Fair haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
76 0.9832783 1 3 4 2.869993 0.8234296 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▃

Scale: Sense_of_Belonging_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.85 [0.84;0.86].

Missing: 1857.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7926
Omega Psych Tot 0.8356
Omega Psych H 0.5632
Omega Ordinal 0.8466
Cronbach Alpha 0.7856
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8357
Alpha Ordinal 0.8438

Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: belong_a_t1R, belong_b_t1, belong_c_t1, belong_d_t1R, belong_e_t1, belong_f_t1R, belong_g_t1, belong_h_t1, belong_i_t1
##               Observations: 2688
##      Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.79
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.56
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.84
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.84
##              Coefficient H: 0.82
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.79
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.78, 0.8]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.77, 0.8]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.85
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.84
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.84
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.84, 0.86]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.83, 0.85]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.38, 1.255, 1.049, 0.75, 0.677, 0.65, 0.464, 0.433, 0.341
## Loadings:
##              TC1    TC2    TC3   
## belong_a_t1R         0.800  0.159
## belong_b_t1                 0.801
## belong_c_t1   0.621  0.102  0.103
## belong_d_t1R  0.293  0.670 -0.109
## belong_e_t1                 0.799
## belong_f_t1R         0.886       
## belong_g_t1   0.839              
## belong_h_t1   0.662              
## belong_i_t1   0.825              
##                  TC1   TC2   TC3
## SS loadings    2.304 1.892 1.330
## Proportion Var 0.256 0.210 0.148
## Cumulative Var 0.256 0.466 0.614
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## belong_a_t1R    1 2688 3.58 0.69      4    3.72 0.00   1   4     3 -1.77
## belong_b_t1     2 2688 3.04 0.72      3    3.08 0.00   1   4     3 -0.52
## belong_c_t1     3 2688 3.21 0.79      3    3.32 1.48   1   4     3 -0.88
## belong_d_t1R    4 2688 3.55 0.71      4    3.71 0.00   1   4     3 -1.63
## belong_e_t1     5 2688 3.29 0.65      3    3.35 0.00   1   4     3 -0.78
## belong_f_t1R    6 2688 3.69 0.62      4    3.83 0.00   1   4     3 -2.26
## belong_g_t1     7 2688 3.06 0.80      3    3.14 0.00   1   4     3 -0.71
## belong_h_t1     8 2688 2.89 0.78      3    2.93 0.00   1   4     3 -0.43
## belong_i_t1     9 2688 3.00 0.84      3    3.09 1.48   1   4     3 -0.66
##              kurtosis   se
## belong_a_t1R     3.04 0.01
## belong_b_t1      0.31 0.01
## belong_c_t1      0.45 0.02
## belong_d_t1R     2.22 0.01
## belong_e_t1      1.27 0.01
## belong_f_t1R     5.24 0.01
## belong_g_t1      0.25 0.02
## belong_h_t1     -0.09 0.02
## belong_i_t1     -0.03 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
belong_a_t1R Feel Like Outsider (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1722 0.6211221 1 4 4 3.574212 0.6891388 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▇
belong_b_t1 Make Friends Easily haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1726 0.6202420 1 3 4 3.033700 0.7182599 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▃
belong_c_t1 Belong at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1751 0.6147415 1 3 4 3.203651 0.7909085 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▇
belong_d_t1R Feel Awkward at School (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1735 0.6182618 1 4 4 3.542705 0.7193049 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▇
belong_e_t1 Liked by Other Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1745 0.6160616 1 3 4 3.293214 0.6460563 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▆
belong_f_t1R Feel Lonely at School (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1736 0.6180418 1 4 4 3.685653 0.6262969 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▇
belong_g_t1 Feel Happy at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1745 0.6160616 1 3 4 3.056429 0.7999384 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▅
belong_h_t1 Things Are Ideal at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1741 0.6169417 1 3 4 2.888374 0.7819907 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▃
belong_i_t1 Satisfied at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1732 0.6189219 1 3 4 2.990757 0.8407643 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▅

Scale: Sense_of_Belonging_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.84 [0.84;0.85].

Missing: 311.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7913
Omega Psych Tot 0.8463
Omega Psych H 0.5422
Omega Ordinal 0.8437
Cronbach Alpha 0.7891
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8575
Alpha Ordinal 0.8434

Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: belong_a_t2R, belong_b_t2, belong_c_t2, belong_d_t2R, belong_e_t2, belong_f_t2R, belong_g_t2, belong_h_t2, belong_i_t2
##               Observations: 4234
##      Positive correlations: 36 out of 36 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.79
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.54
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.85
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.86
##              Coefficient H: 0.82
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.79
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.78, 0.8]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.78, 0.8]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.84
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.83
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.84
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.84, 0.85]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.84, 0.85]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.381, 1.56, 0.99, 0.703, 0.635, 0.51, 0.477, 0.392, 0.351
## Loadings:
##              TC1    TC2   
## belong_a_t2R         0.833
## belong_b_t2   0.295  0.319
## belong_c_t2   0.698  0.158
## belong_d_t2R  0.182  0.708
## belong_e_t2   0.402  0.244
## belong_f_t2R         0.861
## belong_g_t2   0.834       
## belong_h_t2   0.769       
## belong_i_t2   0.789       
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    2.684 2.136
## Proportion Var 0.298 0.237
## Cumulative Var 0.298 0.535
##              vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## belong_a_t2R    1 4234 3.54 0.76      4    3.71 0.00   1   4     3 -1.74
## belong_b_t2     2 4234 3.00 0.77      3    3.05 0.00   1   4     3 -0.55
## belong_c_t2     3 4234 3.08 0.85      3    3.18 1.48   1   4     3 -0.79
## belong_d_t2R    4 4234 3.47 0.81      4    3.65 0.00   1   4     3 -1.60
## belong_e_t2     5 4234 3.23 0.69      3    3.31 0.00   1   4     3 -0.91
## belong_f_t2R    6 4234 3.64 0.70      4    3.80 0.00   1   4     3 -2.10
## belong_g_t2     7 4234 2.90 0.82      3    2.96 0.00   1   4     3 -0.54
## belong_h_t2     8 4234 2.81 0.83      3    2.86 0.00   1   4     3 -0.44
## belong_i_t2     9 4234 2.86 0.92      3    2.95 1.48   1   4     3 -0.49
##              kurtosis   se
## belong_a_t2R     2.57 0.01
## belong_b_t2      0.14 0.01
## belong_c_t2      0.14 0.01
## belong_d_t2R     1.94 0.01
## belong_e_t2      1.48 0.01
## belong_f_t2R     4.10 0.01
## belong_g_t2     -0.08 0.01
## belong_h_t2     -0.24 0.01
## belong_i_t2     -0.55 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
belong_a_t2R Feel Like Outsider (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
61 0.9865787 1 4 4 3.521186 0.7695677 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▇
belong_b_t2 Make Friends Easily haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
44 0.9903190 1 3 4 2.986225 0.7707350 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▃
belong_c_t2 Belong at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
46 0.9898790 1 3 4 3.068682 0.8484256 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▆
belong_d_t2R Feel Awkward at School (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
68 0.9850385 1 4 4 3.448515 0.8278258 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▇
belong_e_t2 Liked by Other Students haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
65 0.9856986 1 3 4 3.223438 0.7001003 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▅
belong_f_t2R Feel Lonely at School (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
33 0.9927393 1 4 4 3.616356 0.7138794 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▇
belong_g_t2 Feel Happy at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
85 0.9812981 1 3 4 2.892601 0.8242724 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▃
belong_h_t2 Things Are Ideal at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
65 0.9856986 1 3 4 2.799777 0.8299753 4 ▁▁▃▁▁▇▁▃
belong_i_t2 Satisfied at School haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
95 0.9790979 1 3 4 2.845843 0.9212957 4 ▂▁▃▁▁▇▁▅

Scale: Attitudes_Towards_School_T1


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.74 [0.73;0.76].

Missing: 1849.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.6262
Omega Psych Tot 0.7059
Omega Psych H 0.4473
Omega Ordinal 0.7437
Cronbach Alpha 0.6232
Greatest Lower Bound 0.7197
Alpha Ordinal 0.7416

Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: attitud_a_t1R, attitud_b_t1R, attitud_c_t1, attitud_d_t1, attitud_e_t1, attitud_f_t1, attitud_g_t1, attitud_h_t1
##               Observations: 2696
##      Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.63
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.45
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.71
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.72
##              Coefficient H: 0.65
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.62
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.6, 0.65]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.6, 0.64]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.74
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.74
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.74
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.73, 0.76]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.73, 0.76]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.259, 1.163, 0.995, 0.895, 0.771, 0.703, 0.631, 0.583
## Loadings:
##               TC1    TC2   
## attitud_a_t1R         0.643
## attitud_b_t1R  0.217  0.587
## attitud_c_t1  -0.135  0.675
## attitud_d_t1          0.636
## attitud_e_t1   0.536  0.208
## attitud_f_t1   0.606       
## attitud_g_t1   0.724       
## attitud_h_t1   0.668       
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    1.691 1.672
## Proportion Var 0.211 0.209
## Cumulative Var 0.211 0.420
##               vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## attitud_a_t1R    1 2696 2.71 0.84      3    2.73 1.48   1   4     3 -0.18
## attitud_b_t1R    2 2696 3.38 0.74      4    3.50 0.00   1   4     3 -1.11
## attitud_c_t1     3 2696 2.73 0.83      3    2.76 1.48   1   4     3 -0.29
## attitud_d_t1     4 2696 3.15 0.83      3    3.25 1.48   1   4     3 -0.80
## attitud_e_t1     5 2696 3.34 0.68      3    3.43 1.48   1   4     3 -0.81
## attitud_f_t1     6 2696 3.45 0.73      4    3.58 0.00   1   4     3 -1.23
## attitud_g_t1     7 2696 3.80 0.47      4    3.91 0.00   1   4     3 -2.60
## attitud_h_t1     8 2696 3.51 0.65      4    3.60 0.00   1   4     3 -1.35
##               kurtosis   se
## attitud_a_t1R    -0.56 0.02
## attitud_b_t1R     0.96 0.01
## attitud_c_t1     -0.41 0.02
## attitud_d_t1      0.13 0.02
## attitud_e_t1      0.58 0.01
## attitud_f_t1      1.05 0.01
## attitud_g_t1      7.85 0.01
## attitud_h_t1      2.03 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
attitud_a_t1R Does Little to Prepare Me for Life (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1733 0.6187019 1 3 4 2.705903 0.8430312 4 ▂▁▆▁▁▇▁▃
attitud_b_t1R Waste of Time (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
1742 0.6167217 1 4 4 3.370674 0.7398780 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▆▁▇
attitud_c_t1 Gave Me Confidence haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1752 0.6145215 1 3 4 2.724311 0.8270410 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
attitud_d_t1 Useful for Job haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1746 0.6158416 1 3 4 3.143980 0.8328873 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▇
attitud_e_t1 Helps to Get a Job haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1733 0.6187019 1 3 4 3.330370 0.6816407 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▇
attitud_f_t1 Prepare for College haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1731 0.6191419 1 4 4 3.441365 0.7335893 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▅▁▇
attitud_g_t1 Enjoy Good Grades haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1723 0.6209021 1 4 4 3.798724 0.4656493 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▇
attitud_h_t1 Trying Hard is Important haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
1727 0.6200220 1 4 4 3.504258 0.6565929 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▅▁▇

Scale: Attitudes_Towards_School_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.75 [0.74;0.76].

Missing: 209.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.6597
Omega Psych Tot 0.7343
Omega Psych H 0.4699
Omega Ordinal 0.7523
Cronbach Alpha 0.6592
Greatest Lower Bound 0.7487
Alpha Ordinal 0.7501

Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: attitud_a_t2R, attitud_b_t2R, attitud_c_t2, attitud_d_t2, attitud_e_t2, attitud_f_t2, attitud_g_t2, attitud_h_t2
##               Observations: 4336
##      Positive correlations: 28 out of 28 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.66
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.47
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.73
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.75
##              Coefficient H: 0.7
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.66
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.64, 0.68]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.64, 0.67]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.75
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.74
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.75
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.74, 0.76]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.74, 0.76]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 2.449, 1.279, 0.96, 0.854, 0.695, 0.67, 0.548, 0.544
## Loadings:
##               TC2    TC1   
## attitud_a_t2R  0.601       
## attitud_b_t2R  0.535  0.147
## attitud_c_t2   0.686 -0.158
## attitud_d_t2   0.705       
## attitud_e_t2   0.457  0.425
## attitud_f_t2          0.658
## attitud_g_t2          0.792
## attitud_h_t2          0.733
##                  TC2   TC1
## SS loadings    1.831 1.828
## Proportion Var 0.229 0.229
## Cumulative Var 0.229 0.457
##               vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## attitud_a_t2R    1 4336 2.60 0.90      3    2.62 1.48   1   4     3 -0.14
## attitud_b_t2R    2 4336 3.28 0.83      3    3.41 1.48   1   4     3 -1.07
## attitud_c_t2     3 4336 2.58 0.84      3    2.60 1.48   1   4     3 -0.28
## attitud_d_t2     4 4336 3.05 0.83      3    3.13 1.48   1   4     3 -0.70
## attitud_e_t2     5 4336 3.21 0.73      3    3.29 1.48   1   4     3 -0.73
## attitud_f_t2     6 4336 3.30 0.82      3    3.44 1.48   1   4     3 -1.15
## attitud_g_t2     7 4336 3.73 0.55      4    3.84 0.00   1   4     3 -2.22
## attitud_h_t2     8 4336 3.39 0.71      3    3.50 1.48   1   4     3 -1.07
##               kurtosis   se
## attitud_a_t2R    -0.75 0.01
## attitud_b_t2R     0.60 0.01
## attitud_c_t2     -0.50 0.01
## attitud_d_t2      0.05 0.01
## attitud_e_t2      0.40 0.01
## attitud_f_t2      0.83 0.01
## attitud_g_t2      5.43 0.01
## attitud_h_t2      1.07 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
attitud_a_t2R Does Little to Prepare Me for Life (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
63 0.9861386 1 3 4 2.597724 0.9014973 4 ▂▁▆▁▁▇▁▃
attitud_b_t2R Waste of Time (inverted item) haven_labelled 4. Strongly disagree,
3. Disagree,
2. Agree,
1. Strongly agree
42 0.9907591 1 3 4 3.271819 0.8334539 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▆▁▇
attitud_c_t2 Gave Me Confidence haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
46 0.9898790 1 3 4 2.585463 0.8392189 4 ▂▁▅▁▁▇▁▂
attitud_d_t2 Attitude towards School - Useful for Job haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
39 0.9914191 1 3 4 3.045939 0.8324030 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▅
attitud_e_t2 Helps to Get a Job haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
47 0.9896590 1 3 4 3.207425 0.7331946 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▇▁▆
attitud_f_t2 Prepare for College haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
49 0.9892189 1 3 4 3.303826 0.8227811 4 ▁▁▂▁▁▆▁▇
attitud_g_t2 Enjoy Good Grades haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
44 0.9903190 1 4 4 3.723617 0.5538109 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▇
attitud_h_t2 Trying Hard is Important haven_labelled 1. Strongly disagree,
2. Disagree,
3. Agree,
4. Strongly agree
45 0.9900990 1 3 4 3.385111 0.7133818 4 ▁▁▁▁▁▆▁▇

Scale: Learning_Hindrance_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 0.8 [0.79;0.81].

Missing: 1383.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7399
Omega Psych Tot 0.7689
Omega Psych H 0.6938
Omega Ordinal 0.7999
Cronbach Alpha 0.7358
Greatest Lower Bound 0.8966
Alpha Ordinal 0.807

Positive correlations: 138 out of 171 (81%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: Phind_a_t2, Phind_b_t2, Phind_c_t2, Phind_d_t2, Phind_e_t2, Phind_f_t2, Phind_g_t2, Phind_h_t2, Phind_i_t2, Phind_j_t2, Phind_k_t2, Phind_l_t2, Phind_m_t2, Phind_n_t2, Phind_o_t2, Phind_p_t2, Phind_q_t2, Phind_r_t2, Phind_s_t2
##               Observations: 3162
##      Positive correlations: 138 out of 171 (81%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.74
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.69
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.77
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.9
##              Coefficient H: 0.83
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.74
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.73, 0.75]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.72, 0.75]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 0.8
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 0.74
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.81
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.79, 0.81]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.8, 0.82]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 3.889, 2.048, 1.717, 1.678, 1.451, 1.127, 1.026, 0.943, 0.841, 0.703, 0.636, 0.536, 0.512, 0.466, 0.407, 0.346, 0.262, 0.238, 0.174
## Loadings:
##            TC1    TC4    TC2    TC6    TC5    TC7    TC3   
## Phind_a_t2                       0.780 -0.148        -0.238
## Phind_b_t2  0.103                0.753        -0.108  0.346
## Phind_c_t2         0.198                              0.798
## Phind_d_t2  0.892                0.117                     
## Phind_e_t2  0.661         0.334        -0.129  0.109 -0.165
## Phind_f_t2  0.699         0.108 -0.142                0.522
## Phind_g_t2  0.412  0.303 -0.467  0.233  0.157 -0.288 -0.124
## Phind_h_t2         0.701                       0.103  0.115
## Phind_i_t2 -0.281  0.787  0.112         0.183 -0.118  0.162
## Phind_j_t2         0.139  0.804               -0.205       
## Phind_k_t2                              0.239  0.755 -0.207
## Phind_l_t2               -0.132        -0.142  0.857  0.177
## Phind_m_t2  0.367  0.559  0.193 -0.148         0.128 -0.164
## Phind_n_t2         0.310         0.239  0.523  0.199 -0.219
## Phind_o_t2                0.615  0.422  0.183  0.103  0.176
## Phind_p_t2  0.293  0.194  0.448 -0.283         0.174       
## Phind_q_t2  0.333  0.525               -0.563  0.114       
## Phind_r_t2  0.363  0.248                0.352              
## Phind_s_t2                              0.828              
##                  TC1   TC4   TC2   TC6   TC5   TC7   TC3
## SS loadings    2.492 2.077 1.680 1.643 1.628 1.593 1.366
## Proportion Var 0.131 0.109 0.088 0.086 0.086 0.084 0.072
## Cumulative Var 0.131 0.240 0.329 0.415 0.501 0.585 0.657
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
## Phind_a_t2    1 3162 1.96 0.49      2    1.95 0.00   1   3     2 -0.09
## Phind_b_t2    2 3162 2.03 0.42      2    2.01 0.00   1   3     2  0.21
## Phind_c_t2    3 3162 2.36 0.50      2    2.34 0.00   1   3     2  0.35
## Phind_d_t2    4 3162 1.72 0.55      2    1.71 0.00   1   3     2  0.00
## Phind_e_t2    5 3162 1.98 0.53      2    1.97 0.00   1   3     2 -0.03
## Phind_f_t2    6 3162 2.31 0.52      2    2.29 0.00   1   3     2  0.23
## Phind_g_t2    7 3162 1.52 0.50      2    1.53 0.00   1   2     1 -0.09
## Phind_h_t2    8 3162 2.24 0.50      2    2.22 0.00   1   3     2  0.36
## Phind_i_t2    9 3162 2.09 0.65      2    2.11 0.00   1   4     3  0.07
## Phind_j_t2   10 3162 2.04 0.42      2    2.01 0.00   1   3     2  0.28
## Phind_k_t2   11 3162 2.94 0.69      3    2.92 0.00   2   4     2  0.08
## Phind_l_t2   12 3162 2.11 0.87      2    2.05 1.48   1   4     3  0.45
## Phind_m_t2   13 3162 1.69 0.58      2    1.66 0.00   1   3     2  0.19
## Phind_n_t2   14 3162 2.07 0.51      2    2.09 0.00   1   3     2  0.12
## Phind_o_t2   15 3162 2.26 0.57      2    2.28 0.00   1   3     2 -0.04
## Phind_p_t2   16 3162 2.22 0.68      2    2.19 0.00   1   4     3  0.78
## Phind_q_t2   17 3162 1.73 0.47      2    1.78 0.00   1   3     2 -0.70
## Phind_r_t2   18 3162 2.01 0.63      2    2.02 0.00   1   3     2 -0.01
## Phind_s_t2   19 3162 2.04 0.41      2    2.00 0.00   1   3     2  0.27
##            kurtosis   se
## Phind_a_t2     1.14 0.01
## Phind_b_t2     2.58 0.01
## Phind_c_t2    -1.31 0.01
## Phind_d_t2    -0.51 0.01
## Phind_e_t2     0.58 0.01
## Phind_f_t2    -0.73 0.01
## Phind_g_t2    -1.99 0.01
## Phind_h_t2    -0.27 0.01
## Phind_i_t2    -0.25 0.01
## Phind_j_t2     2.61 0.01
## Phind_k_t2    -0.87 0.01
## Phind_l_t2    -0.44 0.02
## Phind_m_t2    -0.62 0.01
## Phind_n_t2     0.76 0.01
## Phind_o_t2    -0.46 0.01
## Phind_p_t2     0.94 0.01
## Phind_q_t2    -0.63 0.01
## Phind_r_t2    -0.49 0.01
## Phind_s_t2     2.97 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
Phind_a_t2 Student truancy haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1122 0.7531353 1 2 3 1.909144 0.5276526 4 ▂▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_b_t2 Skipping classes haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1024 0.7746975 1 2 3 1.974439 0.4688294 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_c_t2 Students being late haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1232 0.7289329 1 2 3 2.376698 0.5029746 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▅
Phind_d_t2 Students skipping events haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1023 0.7749175 1 2 3 1.703861 0.5680421 4 ▅▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_e_t2 Students lacking respect haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1053 0.7683168 1 2 3 1.939863 0.5350427 4 ▂▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_f_t2 Student Disruption haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1157 0.7454345 1 2 3 2.301063 0.5111442 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▅
Phind_g_t2 Student drug use haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1226 0.7302530 1 2 2 1.501356 0.5000735 4 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Phind_h_t2 Students being bullied haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1178 0.7408141 1 2 3 2.216513 0.5338127 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▃
Phind_i_t2 Students not encouraged haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1105 0.7568757 1 2 4 2.124419 0.6495013 4 ▂▁▇▁▁▃▁▁
Phind_j_t2 Poor student-teacher relations haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1254 0.7240924 1 2 3 2.048921 0.4295766 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_k_t2 Heterogeneous classes haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1130 0.7513751 1 3 4 2.909517 0.7303450 4 ▁▁▅▁▁▇▁▃
Phind_l_t2 Diverse ethnic backgrounds haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1234 0.7284928 1 2 4 2.101178 0.8671768 4 ▅▁▇▁▁▅▁▁
Phind_m_t2 Teachers low expectations haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1088 0.7606161 1 2 3 1.697426 0.6041684 4 ▆▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_n_t2 Student needs not met haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1196 0.7368537 1 2 3 2.034637 0.5326783 4 ▂▁▁▇▁▁▁▂
Phind_o_t2 Teacher absenteeism haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1115 0.7546755 1 2 3 2.212828 0.6106462 4 ▂▁▁▇▁▁▁▅
Phind_p_t2 Staff resisting change haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1139 0.7493949 1 2 4 2.251908 0.7434220 4 ▁▁▇▁▁▂▁▁
Phind_q_t2 Teachers too strict haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1167 0.7432343 1 2 3 1.727057 0.4910653 4 ▃▁▁▇▁▁▁▁
Phind_r_t2 Teachers being late haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1130 0.7513751 1 2 3 1.997657 0.6654899 4 ▃▁▁▇▁▁▁▃
Phind_s_t2 Teachers being unprepared haven_labelled 1. Not at all,
2. Very little,
3. To some extent,
4. A lot
1130 0.7513751 1 2 3 2.060615 0.4207745 4 ▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁

Scale: Cultural_Diversity_T2


Reliability: ωordinal [95% CI] = 1.24 [0.85;1].

Missing: 1732.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.7215
Omega Psych Tot 0.5727
Omega Psych H 0.1913
Omega Ordinal 1.235
Cronbach Alpha 0.3758
Greatest Lower Bound 0.5698
Alpha Ordinal 0.6076

Positive correlations: 5 out of 6 (83%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: Pcult_a_t2, Pcult_b_t2, Pcult_c_t2R, Pcult_e_t2
##               Observations: 2813
##      Positive correlations: 5 out of 6 (83%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.72
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.19
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.57
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.57
##              Coefficient H: 1
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.38
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.2, 1]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.34, 0.41]
## Estimates assuming ordinal level:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): 1.24
##  Ordinal Omega (hierarch.): 1.11
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: 0.61
## Confidence intervals:
##      Ordinal Omega (total): [0.85, 1]
##   Ordinal Cronbach's alpha: [0.58, 0.63]
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 1.514, 1.143, 0.821, 0.523
## Loadings:
##             TC1    TC2   
## Pcult_a_t2  -0.125  0.778
## Pcult_b_t2   0.852 -0.138
## Pcult_c_t2R  0.152  0.743
## Pcult_e_t2   0.828  0.156
##                  TC1   TC2
## SS loadings    1.451 1.201
## Proportion Var 0.363 0.300
## Cumulative Var 0.363 0.663
##             vars    n mean   sd median trimmed mad min max range  skew
## Pcult_a_t2     1 2813 1.52 0.50      2    1.52   0   1   2     1 -0.08
## Pcult_b_t2     2 2813 1.06 0.23      1    1.00   0   1   2     1  3.81
## Pcult_c_t2R    3 2813 1.65 0.48      2    1.68   0   1   2     1 -0.61
## Pcult_e_t2     4 2813 1.19 0.39      1    1.12   0   1   2     1  1.56
##             kurtosis   se
## Pcult_a_t2     -1.99 0.01
## Pcult_b_t2     12.52 0.00
## Pcult_c_t2R    -1.63 0.01
## Pcult_e_t2      0.44 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd n_value_labels hist
Pcult_a_t2 Academic success of students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds haven_labelled 1. better when all students adopt German culture and values,
2. better when cultural differences are valued
1459 0.6789879 1 2 2 1.521387 0.4996233 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Pcult_b_t2 Academic success of multilingual students haven_labelled 1. important to provide extra lessons in German language,
2. important to provide extra lessons in original language
1440 0.6831683 1 1 2 1.059581 0.2367476 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Pcult_c_t2R School cohesion haven_labelled 2. better when school promotes cultural differences,
1. better when students from different backgrounds assimilate
1187 0.7388339 1 2 2 1.639964 0.4800819 2 ▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Pcult_e_t2 School cohesion haven_labelled 1. better when all students speak same language,
2. better when school promotes linguistic diversity
1289 0.7163916 1 1 2 1.183354 0.3870158 2 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▂

Scale: Math_Achievement_T1


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.97 [0.97;0.97].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.973
Omega Psych Tot 0.9739
Omega Psych H 0.001333
Cronbach Alpha 0.973
Greatest Lower Bound 0.9731

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: ma_pv1_t1, ma_pv2_t1, ma_pv3_t1, ma_pv4_t1, ma_pv5_t1
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.97
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.97
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.97
##              Coefficient H: 0.97
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.97
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.97, 0.97]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.97, 0.97]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 8.166549. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.512, 0.127, 0.123, 0.121, 0.116
## Loadings:
##           PC1  
## ma_pv1_t1 0.950
## ma_pv2_t1 0.951
## ma_pv3_t1 0.949
## ma_pv4_t1 0.950
## ma_pv5_t1 0.949
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.512
## Proportion Var 0.902
##           vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range skew
## ma_pv1_t1    1 4439 0.66 1.02   0.65    0.66 1.10 -2.74 4.43  7.17 0.05
## ma_pv2_t1    2 4439 0.68 1.04   0.67    0.67 1.07 -2.43 3.83  6.25 0.05
## ma_pv3_t1    3 4439 0.67 1.03   0.68    0.67 1.09 -2.73 3.74  6.46 0.03
## ma_pv4_t1    4 4439 0.68 1.04   0.68    0.68 1.10 -2.38 3.93  6.32 0.04
## ma_pv5_t1    5 4439 0.68 1.05   0.67    0.67 1.11 -2.46 4.27  6.72 0.07
##           kurtosis   se
## ma_pv1_t1    -0.42 0.02
## ma_pv2_t1    -0.27 0.02
## ma_pv3_t1    -0.37 0.02
## ma_pv4_t1    -0.37 0.02
## ma_pv5_t1    -0.25 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_pv1_t1 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.7 0.65 4.4 0.6647054 1.023940 ▁▅▇▃▁
ma_pv2_t1 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.4 0.67 3.8 0.6770452 1.035172 ▁▅▇▅▁
ma_pv3_t1 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.7 0.68 3.7 0.6736196 1.029269 ▁▃▇▅▁
ma_pv4_t1 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.4 0.68 3.9 0.6811163 1.040554 ▁▆▇▅▁
ma_pv5_t1 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.5 0.67 4.3 0.6810412 1.049296 ▁▆▇▃▁

Scale: Math_Achievement_T2


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.97 [0.97;0.97].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.9697
Omega Psych Tot 0.9701
Omega Psych H 0.1201
Cronbach Alpha 0.9697
Greatest Lower Bound 0.9684

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: ma_pv1_t2, ma_pv2_t2, ma_pv3_t2, ma_pv4_t2, ma_pv5_t2
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.97
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.12
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.97
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.97
##              Coefficient H: 0.97
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.97
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.97, 0.97]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.97, 0.97]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 9.944589. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.46, 0.14, 0.136, 0.134, 0.13
## Loadings:
##           PC1  
## ma_pv1_t2 0.945
## ma_pv2_t2 0.944
## ma_pv3_t2 0.943
## ma_pv4_t2 0.946
## ma_pv5_t2 0.944
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.460
## Proportion Var 0.892
##           vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range skew
## ma_pv1_t2    1 4439 0.76 1.19   0.73    0.75 1.24 -3.01 4.81  7.82 0.07
## ma_pv2_t2    2 4439 0.78 1.17   0.77    0.78 1.22 -2.98 4.82  7.80 0.03
## ma_pv3_t2    3 4439 0.79 1.19   0.77    0.79 1.25 -3.88 4.67  8.55 0.06
## ma_pv4_t2    4 4439 0.77 1.18   0.74    0.76 1.26 -3.06 4.66  7.72 0.04
## ma_pv5_t2    5 4439 0.78 1.20   0.77    0.77 1.23 -3.74 5.07  8.80 0.06
##           kurtosis   se
## ma_pv1_t2    -0.32 0.02
## ma_pv2_t2    -0.26 0.02
## ma_pv3_t2    -0.31 0.02
## ma_pv4_t2    -0.32 0.02
## ma_pv5_t2    -0.22 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_pv1_t2 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.0 0.73 4.8 0.7599080 1.187161 ▁▅▇▃▁
ma_pv2_t2 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.0 0.77 4.8 0.7797602 1.174786 ▁▅▇▃▁
ma_pv3_t2 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.9 0.77 4.7 0.7925883 1.185175 ▁▂▇▅▁
ma_pv4_t2 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.1 0.74 4.7 0.7676595 1.179186 ▁▅▇▅▁
ma_pv5_t2 Math Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.7 0.77 5.1 0.7768281 1.195029 ▁▃▇▃▁

Scale: Reading_Achievement_T1


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.95 [0.95;0.96].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.9542
Omega Psych Tot 0.956
Omega Psych H 0.9494
Cronbach Alpha 0.9542
Greatest Lower Bound 0.955

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: rea_pv1_t1, rea_pv2_t1, rea_pv3_t1, rea_pv4_t1, rea_pv5_t1
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.95
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.95
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.96
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.96
##              Coefficient H: 0.95
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.95
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.95, 0.96]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.95, 0.96]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 8.689919. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.226, 0.203, 0.197, 0.191, 0.183
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## rea_pv1_t1 0.920
## rea_pv2_t1 0.921
## rea_pv3_t1 0.916
## rea_pv4_t1 0.920
## rea_pv5_t1 0.920
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.226
## Proportion Var 0.845
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range  skew
## rea_pv1_t1    1 4439 0.53 0.92   0.55    0.53 0.92 -2.85 3.53  6.38 -0.09
## rea_pv2_t1    2 4439 0.53 0.93   0.55    0.54 0.92 -2.79 3.67  6.46 -0.09
## rea_pv3_t1    3 4439 0.52 0.92   0.56    0.53 0.93 -3.40 3.80  7.20 -0.09
## rea_pv4_t1    4 4439 0.53 0.93   0.55    0.54 0.95 -2.76 3.96  6.71 -0.09
## rea_pv5_t1    5 4439 0.54 0.93   0.56    0.55 0.94 -3.59 4.10  7.69 -0.09
##            kurtosis   se
## rea_pv1_t1    -0.07 0.01
## rea_pv2_t1    -0.07 0.01
## rea_pv3_t1    -0.06 0.01
## rea_pv4_t1    -0.10 0.01
## rea_pv5_t1    -0.07 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_pv1_t1 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.9 0.55 3.5 0.5258615 0.9176343 ▁▃▇▅▁
rea_pv2_t1 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.8 0.55 3.7 0.5325555 0.9253891 ▁▃▇▅▁
rea_pv3_t1 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.4 0.56 3.8 0.5232743 0.9159762 ▁▂▇▅▁
rea_pv4_t1 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.8 0.55 4.0 0.5299833 0.9306858 ▁▃▇▃▁
rea_pv5_t1 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.6 0.56 4.1 0.5373814 0.9259825 ▁▂▇▅▁

Scale: Reading_Achievement_T2


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.95 [0.95;0.96].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.9548
Omega Psych Tot 0.8877
Omega Psych H 0.005598
Cronbach Alpha 0.9548
Greatest Lower Bound 0.955

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: rea_pv1_t2, rea_pv2_t2, rea_pv3_t2, rea_pv4_t2, rea_pv5_t2
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.95
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.01
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.89
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.96
##              Coefficient H: 0.95
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.95
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.95, 0.96]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.95, 0.96]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 9.575107. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.235, 0.197, 0.195, 0.191, 0.183
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## rea_pv1_t2 0.921
## rea_pv2_t2 0.921
## rea_pv3_t2 0.920
## rea_pv4_t2 0.919
## rea_pv5_t2 0.921
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.235
## Proportion Var 0.847
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range  skew
## rea_pv1_t2    1 4439 0.50 1.20   0.58    0.54 1.19 -4.00 4.26  8.26 -0.28
## rea_pv2_t2    2 4439 0.53 1.18   0.58    0.56 1.19 -3.66 3.76  7.42 -0.25
## rea_pv3_t2    3 4439 0.54 1.18   0.58    0.56 1.18 -3.93 4.07  7.99 -0.24
## rea_pv4_t2    4 4439 0.51 1.19   0.59    0.54 1.22 -3.93 4.03  7.96 -0.25
## rea_pv5_t2    5 4439 0.53 1.19   0.59    0.56 1.21 -4.32 3.99  8.31 -0.25
##            kurtosis   se
## rea_pv1_t2     0.05 0.02
## rea_pv2_t2    -0.08 0.02
## rea_pv3_t2     0.01 0.02
## rea_pv4_t2    -0.16 0.02
## rea_pv5_t2    -0.06 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_pv1_t2 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -4.0 0.58 4.3 0.5048010 1.197540 ▁▂▇▆▁
rea_pv2_t2 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.7 0.58 3.8 0.5325761 1.178540 ▁▂▇▇▁
rea_pv3_t2 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.9 0.58 4.1 0.5361922 1.184373 ▁▂▇▆▁
rea_pv4_t2 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.9 0.59 4.0 0.5144451 1.192201 ▁▂▇▇▁
rea_pv5_t2 Reading Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -4.3 0.59 4.0 0.5317534 1.192561 ▁▂▇▇▁

Scale: Science_Achievement_T1


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.96 [0.96;0.96].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.9574
Omega Psych Tot 0.4964
Omega Psych H 0.02595
Cronbach Alpha 0.9574
Greatest Lower Bound 0.958

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: sci_pv1_t1, sci_pv2_t1, sci_pv3_t1, sci_pv4_t1, sci_pv5_t1
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.96
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.03
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.5
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.96
##              Coefficient H: 0.96
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.96
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.96, 0.96]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.96, 0.96]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 7.179247. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.272, 0.191, 0.185, 0.179, 0.173
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## sci_pv1_t1 0.923
## sci_pv2_t1 0.926
## sci_pv3_t1 0.925
## sci_pv4_t1 0.923
## sci_pv5_t1 0.924
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.272
## Proportion Var 0.854
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range  skew
## sci_pv1_t1    1 4439 0.49 0.87   0.52    0.51 0.88 -2.56 3.13  5.69 -0.17
## sci_pv2_t1    2 4439 0.49 0.88   0.53    0.51 0.87 -2.72 3.33  6.05 -0.17
## sci_pv3_t1    3 4439 0.49 0.87   0.53    0.50 0.90 -2.85 3.31  6.16 -0.14
## sci_pv4_t1    4 4439 0.50 0.87   0.55    0.52 0.89 -2.43 3.19  5.62 -0.20
## sci_pv5_t1    5 4439 0.50 0.87   0.54    0.51 0.91 -2.75 3.06  5.82 -0.15
##            kurtosis   se
## sci_pv1_t1    -0.17 0.01
## sci_pv2_t1    -0.15 0.01
## sci_pv3_t1    -0.23 0.01
## sci_pv4_t1    -0.20 0.01
## sci_pv5_t1    -0.22 0.01

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_pv1_t1 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.6 0.52 3.1 0.4939080 0.8661784 ▁▃▇▆▁
sci_pv2_t1 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.7 0.53 3.3 0.4943555 0.8781302 ▁▃▇▅▁
sci_pv3_t1 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.9 0.53 3.3 0.4897975 0.8728129 ▁▃▇▅▁
sci_pv4_t1 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.4 0.55 3.2 0.5016070 0.8692153 ▁▃▇▅▁
sci_pv5_t1 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.8 0.54 3.1 0.5014057 0.8722337 ▁▂▇▆▁

Scale: Science_Achievement_T2


Reliability: ωtotal [95% CI] = 0.97 [0.97;0.97].

Missing: 106.

Reliability details

Reliability Indices
Index Estimate
Omega 0.9682
Omega Psych Tot 0.9687
Omega Psych H 0.9639
Cronbach Alpha 0.9682
Greatest Lower Bound 0.9676

Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)

Scatter matrix

Detailed output

## Information about this analysis:
##                  Dataframe: res$dat
##                      Items: sci_pv1_t2, sci_pv2_t2, sci_pv3_t2, sci_pv4_t2, sci_pv5_t2
##               Observations: 4439
##      Positive correlations: 10 out of 10 (100%)
## Estimates assuming interval level:
##              Omega (total): 0.97
##       Omega (hierarchical): 0.96
##    Revelle's omega (total): 0.97
## Greatest Lower Bound (GLB): 0.97
##              Coefficient H: 0.97
##           Cronbach's alpha: 0.97
## Confidence intervals:
##              Omega (total): [0.97, 0.97]
##           Cronbach's alpha: [0.97, 0.97]
## (Estimates assuming ordinal level not computed, as at least one item seems to have more than 8 levels; the highest number of distinct levels is 4439 and the highest range is 9.467034. This last number needs to be lower than 9 for the polychoric function to work. If this is unexpected, you may want to check for outliers.)
## Note: the normal point estimate and confidence interval for omega are based on the procedure suggested by Dunn, Baguley & Brunsden (2013) using the MBESS function ci.reliability, whereas the psych package point estimate was suggested in Revelle & Zinbarg (2008). See the help ('?scaleStructure') for more information.
## Eigen values: 4.436, 0.147, 0.14, 0.139, 0.138
## Loadings:
##            PC1  
## sci_pv1_t2 0.943
## sci_pv2_t2 0.942
## sci_pv3_t2 0.942
## sci_pv4_t2 0.940
## sci_pv5_t2 0.942
##                  PC1
## SS loadings    4.436
## Proportion Var 0.887
##            vars    n mean   sd median trimmed  mad   min  max range  skew
## sci_pv1_t2    1 4439 0.52 1.15   0.56    0.55 1.18 -3.61 4.16  7.77 -0.22
## sci_pv2_t2    2 4439 0.53 1.14   0.59    0.56 1.17 -4.15 4.12  8.27 -0.24
## sci_pv3_t2    3 4439 0.53 1.14   0.59    0.56 1.19 -3.86 4.32  8.18 -0.24
## sci_pv4_t2    4 4439 0.52 1.14   0.59    0.54 1.19 -3.45 4.00  7.45 -0.20
## sci_pv5_t2    5 4439 0.53 1.15   0.59    0.56 1.18 -3.68 4.03  7.71 -0.20
##            kurtosis   se
## sci_pv1_t2    -0.14 0.02
## sci_pv2_t2    -0.10 0.02
## sci_pv3_t2    -0.12 0.02
## sci_pv4_t2    -0.22 0.02
## sci_pv5_t2    -0.23 0.02

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_pv1_t2 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 1) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.6 0.56 4.2 0.5195059 1.154915 ▁▃▇▆▁
sci_pv2_t2 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 2) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -4.1 0.59 4.1 0.5299410 1.137506 ▁▂▇▇▁
sci_pv3_t2 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 3) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.9 0.59 4.3 0.5345550 1.140625 ▁▂▇▆▁
sci_pv4_t2 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 4) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.4 0.59 4.0 0.5187992 1.138230 ▁▃▇▆▁
sci_pv5_t2 Science Achievement (Plausible Value 5) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.7 0.59 4.0 0.5306690 1.146048 ▁▃▇▆▁


Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1)


108 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_wle_t1 Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1) numeric 108 0.9762376 -2.7 0.66 6.2 0.6860025 1.158081 ▁▇▆▁▁


Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1)


108 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_se_t1 Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1) numeric 108 0.9762376 0.019 0.48 2 0.5184059 0.1990985 ▅▇▁▁▁


Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2)


1346 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_wle_t2 Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2) numeric 1346 0.7038504 -3.2 0.74 5.2 0.7796814 1.322938 ▁▅▇▃▁


Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2)


1346 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_se_t2 Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2) numeric 1346 0.7038504 0.092 0.57 2 0.5980948 0.2242893 ▅▇▁▁▁


Reading Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1)


1461 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_wle_t1 Reading Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1) numeric 1461 0.6785479 -3.3 0.52 4.5 0.5429218 1.106827 ▁▃▇▃▁


Reading Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1)


1461 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_se_t1 Reading Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1) numeric 1461 0.6785479 0.17 0.63 2 0.6575265 0.219103 ▅▇▂▁▁


Reading Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2)


2842 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_wle_t2 Reading Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2) numeric 2842 0.3746975 -3.2 0.55 5.6 0.5375064 1.328756 ▁▆▇▂▁


Reading Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2)


2842 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_se_t2 Reading Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2) numeric 2842 0.3746975 0.23 0.71 2 0.7366557 0.225326 ▃▇▂▁▁


Science Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1)


1496 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_wle_t1 Science Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1) numeric 1496 0.6708471 -3.1 0.54 4.1 0.496613 0.9989374 ▁▃▇▃▁


Science Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1)


1496 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_se_t1 Science Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1) numeric 1496 0.6708471 0.039 0.5 1.7 0.5150615 0.1711579 ▂▇▁▁▁


Science Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2)


2853 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_wle_t2 Science Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2) numeric 2853 0.3722772 -2.9 0.58 4.1 0.5458556 1.225159 ▁▅▇▃▁


Science Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2)


2853 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_se_t2 Science Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2) numeric 2853 0.3722772 0.13 0.56 1.7 0.5973221 0.2300042 ▃▇▁▁▁


Math Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_eap_t1 Math Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.2 0.65 3.8 0.6731412 0.99312 ▁▆▇▅▁


Math Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_pvse_t1 Math Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.6 0.3 1.2 0.3015221 0.2109577 ▁▂▇▂▁


Math Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_eap_t2 Math Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.2 0.77 4.2 0.7802127 1.123821 ▁▃▇▆▁


Math Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ma_pvse_t2 Math Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.41 0.38 1.3 0.377893 0.2272858 ▁▅▇▂▁


Reading Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_eap_t1 Reading Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.9 0.57 3.3 0.5320679 0.8566982 ▁▂▇▆▁


Reading Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_pvse_t1 Reading Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.35 0.36 1.3 0.3544869 0.2209968 ▁▆▇▂▁


Reading Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_eap_t2 Reading Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.1 0.61 3.8 0.5290858 1.083816 ▁▃▇▆▁


Reading Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
rea_pvse_t2 Reading Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.35 0.47 1.4 0.4689569 0.2362004 ▁▅▇▂▁


Science Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_eap_t1 Science Achievement (EAP-Score) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -2.6 0.56 2.7 0.4999433 0.8123823 ▁▂▇▇▁


Science Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_pvse_t1 Science Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T1) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.53 0.31 0.99 0.3123511 0.2169083 ▁▂▇▅▁


Science Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_eap_t2 Science Achievement (EAP-Score) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -3.9 0.59 3.5 0.5266654 1.078766 ▁▂▇▇▂


Science Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2)


106 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
sci_pvse_t2 Science Achievement (Standard Error of EAP) (T2) numeric 106 0.9766777 -0.48 0.38 1.2 0.3753996 0.2269247 ▁▃▇▃▁


Variance zone (BRR)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
varizone Variance zone (BRR) numeric 0 1 1 35 68 35.12739 19.70251 ▇▇▆▇▇


Variance unit (BRR)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
variunit Variance unit (BRR) numeric 0 1 1 2 3 1.573157 0.5679848 ▇▁▇▁▁


Student Weight (T1)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
totwgt Student Weight (T1) numeric 0 1 45 74 259 79.93327 26.18845 ▇▂▁▁▁


School Sampling Weight (T1)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
wgtfac1 School Sampling Weight (T1) numeric 0 1 16 34 247 41.5136 26.20408 ▇▁▁▁▁


School Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T1)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
wgtadj1 School Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T1) numeric 0 1 1 1 1.1 1.014686 0.0358404 ▇▁▁▁▁


School Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppwgtadj1 School Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T2) numeric 0 1 1 1.2 2.9 1.328145 0.3501995 ▇▂▁▁▁


Class Sampling Weight (T1)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
wgtfac2 Class Sampling Weight (T1) numeric 0 1 1 2 5 2.142904 0.8152288 ▆▇▃▁▁


Student Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T1)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
wgtadj3 Student Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T1) numeric 0 1 1 1 1.4 1.042932 0.058029 ▇▁▁▁▁


Student Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppwgtadj3 Student Adjustment for Nonparticipation (T2) numeric 0 1 0 1.3 3.6 1.314817 0.2356025 ▁▇▂▁▁


Student Weight (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
pptotwgt Student Weight (T2) numeric 0 1 0 126 581 139.4262 65.69708 ▆▇▁▁▁


School Sampling Weight (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppschwgt School Sampling Weight (T2) numeric 0 1 22 44 259 54.33942 34.32665 ▇▁▁▁▁


Class Sampling Weight (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppwscwgt Class Sampling Weight (T2) numeric 0 1 1 2 5 2.142904 0.8152288 ▆▇▃▁▁


Student Weight (within-class) (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppwcswgt Student Weight (within-class) (T2) numeric 0 1 0 1.3 3.7 1.372768 0.2684347 ▁▇▂▁▁


Within-school Weight (T2)


0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
ppwithinschwgt Within-school Weight (T2) numeric 0 1 0 2.7 11 2.960829 1.330529 ▃▇▂▁▁

Scale: Replicate_Weights_T2


Reliability: Not computed.

Missing: 0.

Reliability details

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist
repwgt1 Replicate Weight 1 numeric 0 1 0 124 795 141.3353 103.40291 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt2 Replicate Weight 2 numeric 0 1 0 131 870 143.8770 99.72277 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt3 Replicate Weight 3 numeric 0 1 0 121 795 138.7104 96.46930 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt4 Replicate Weight 4 numeric 0 1 0 116 795 137.0922 95.88147 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt5 Replicate Weight 5 numeric 0 1 0 108 870 135.7929 101.53795 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt6 Replicate Weight 6 numeric 0 1 0 127 870 138.2534 103.73726 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt7 Replicate Weight 7 numeric 0 1 0 116 870 138.1014 100.61118 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt8 Replicate Weight 8 numeric 0 1 0 115 795 140.6773 102.42989 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt9 Replicate Weight 9 numeric 0 1 0 122 870 137.4579 101.46475 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt10 Replicate Weight 10 numeric 0 1 0 124 870 139.3527 106.41261 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt11 Replicate Weight 11 numeric 0 1 0 127 795 138.3137 99.06027 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt12 Replicate Weight 12 numeric 0 1 0 126 795 139.9722 95.00992 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt13 Replicate Weight 13 numeric 0 1 0 98 870 136.1768 110.69361 ▇▂▁▁▁
repwgt14 Replicate Weight 14 numeric 0 1 0 124 870 143.0480 108.19663 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt15 Replicate Weight 15 numeric 0 1 0 125 870 140.0608 97.59042 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt16 Replicate Weight 16 numeric 0 1 0 113 870 136.0090 100.48807 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt17 Replicate Weight 17 numeric 0 1 0 126 795 138.8097 95.40798 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt18 Replicate Weight 18 numeric 0 1 0 117 870 139.2518 101.95308 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt19 Replicate Weight 19 numeric 0 1 0 120 795 139.4781 102.67633 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt20 Replicate Weight 20 numeric 0 1 0 122 795 137.8897 97.97130 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt21 Replicate Weight 21 numeric 0 1 0 118 870 141.9441 108.31700 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt22 Replicate Weight 22 numeric 0 1 0 110 795 138.1188 101.28339 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt23 Replicate Weight 23 numeric 0 1 0 109 870 139.6600 104.19172 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt24 Replicate Weight 24 numeric 0 1 0 104 870 132.3684 101.70347 ▇▂▁▁▁
repwgt25 Replicate Weight 25 numeric 0 1 0 118 870 138.1311 102.44466 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt26 Replicate Weight 26 numeric 0 1 0 124 870 139.8402 97.00183 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt27 Replicate Weight 27 numeric 0 1 0 104 870 136.2324 104.61036 ▇▂▁▁▁
repwgt28 Replicate Weight 28 numeric 0 1 0 116 870 138.8944 104.57166 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt29 Replicate Weight 29 numeric 0 1 0 120 795 137.0759 91.47534 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt30 Replicate Weight 30 numeric 0 1 0 118 870 141.2617 103.75189 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt31 Replicate Weight 31 numeric 0 1 0 119 870 142.9135 103.45410 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt32 Replicate Weight 32 numeric 0 1 0 130 795 137.6713 88.77373 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt33 Replicate Weight 33 numeric 0 1 0 120 795 137.9555 95.62326 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt34 Replicate Weight 34 numeric 0 1 0 122 795 136.7570 92.64326 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt35 Replicate Weight 35 numeric 0 1 0 123 795 139.9210 97.34413 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt36 Replicate Weight 36 numeric 0 1 0 106 870 138.6410 109.37922 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt37 Replicate Weight 37 numeric 0 1 0 131 870 140.7353 96.58304 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt38 Replicate Weight 38 numeric 0 1 0 111 795 140.8545 101.33468 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt39 Replicate Weight 39 numeric 0 1 0 117 795 137.5557 96.90471 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt40 Replicate Weight 40 numeric 0 1 0 122 795 142.1829 97.51020 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt41 Replicate Weight 41 numeric 0 1 0 108 870 143.0536 109.87828 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt42 Replicate Weight 42 numeric 0 1 0 125 795 137.5979 90.30249 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt43 Replicate Weight 43 numeric 0 1 0 113 870 141.1744 107.53273 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt44 Replicate Weight 44 numeric 0 1 0 115 795 136.5262 96.23351 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt45 Replicate Weight 45 numeric 0 1 0 120 870 141.3999 103.09498 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt46 Replicate Weight 46 numeric 0 1 0 120 795 139.8936 100.08822 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt47 Replicate Weight 47 numeric 0 1 0 110 870 137.4118 101.65486 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt48 Replicate Weight 48 numeric 0 1 0 124 795 139.4721 94.05706 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt49 Replicate Weight 49 numeric 0 1 0 117 870 137.0212 100.20391 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt50 Replicate Weight 50 numeric 0 1 0 119 870 139.3270 101.73055 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt51 Replicate Weight 51 numeric 0 1 0 121 870 136.9854 98.76560 ▇▂▁▁▁
repwgt52 Replicate Weight 52 numeric 0 1 0 133 795 142.2607 94.73362 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt53 Replicate Weight 53 numeric 0 1 0 121 795 136.8246 96.15658 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt54 Replicate Weight 54 numeric 0 1 0 114 870 138.0245 103.27789 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt55 Replicate Weight 55 numeric 0 1 0 117 870 136.8349 96.74454 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt56 Replicate Weight 56 numeric 0 1 0 119 870 138.4315 103.94228 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt57 Replicate Weight 57 numeric 0 1 0 120 870 139.7903 103.58845 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt58 Replicate Weight 58 numeric 0 1 0 121 795 140.5110 101.40648 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt59 Replicate Weight 59 numeric 0 1 0 127 795 140.3117 97.83459 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt60 Replicate Weight 60 numeric 0 1 0 118 870 139.2819 105.67881 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt61 Replicate Weight 61 numeric 0 1 0 128 795 143.0840 96.75067 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt62 Replicate Weight 62 numeric 0 1 0 117 795 139.6774 102.00615 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt63 Replicate Weight 63 numeric 0 1 0 123 795 140.6145 96.28432 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt64 Replicate Weight 64 numeric 0 1 0 107 795 135.6937 97.67221 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt65 Replicate Weight 65 numeric 0 1 0 125 795 145.0677 103.11896 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt66 Replicate Weight 66 numeric 0 1 0 98 795 137.6943 103.33632 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt67 Replicate Weight 67 numeric 0 1 0 124 870 141.1666 105.16667 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt68 Replicate Weight 68 numeric 0 1 0 122 795 136.1498 89.72150 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt69 Replicate Weight 69 numeric 0 1 0 110 870 139.6276 108.61119 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt70 Replicate Weight 70 numeric 0 1 0 129 870 140.0302 99.68186 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt71 Replicate Weight 71 numeric 0 1 0 121 795 142.7646 100.43764 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt72 Replicate Weight 72 numeric 0 1 0 124 870 139.7686 102.73142 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt73 Replicate Weight 73 numeric 0 1 0 114 795 136.7902 92.09626 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt74 Replicate Weight 74 numeric 0 1 0 109 795 136.4012 93.31568 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt75 Replicate Weight 75 numeric 0 1 0 115 795 137.8941 99.41581 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt76 Replicate Weight 76 numeric 0 1 0 125 795 139.3673 96.85766 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt77 Replicate Weight 77 numeric 0 1 0 112 870 139.9678 106.17882 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt78 Replicate Weight 78 numeric 0 1 0 118 870 136.4029 99.83635 ▇▃▁▁▁
repwgt79 Replicate Weight 79 numeric 0 1 0 125 795 135.7808 89.20268 ▇▅▁▁▁
repwgt80 Replicate Weight 80 numeric 0 1 0 118 795 139.4817 99.56779 ▇▃▁▁▁

Codebook table

JSON-LD metadata The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.

  "name": "PISA-Plus 2012-2013: 9th graders achievement gains over one school year",
  "identifier": "",
  "creator": " Aleksander Kocaj (Research Data Centre at the IQB)",
  "datePublished": "2020-04-28",
  "temporalCoverage": "2012 - 2013",
  "description": "Campus File for the PISA-Plus 2012-2013 data set based on the corresponding Scientific Use Files (\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n[truncated]\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version 0.8.2).",
  "citation": "Forschungsdatenzentrum am Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (FDZ am IQB) [Research Data Centre at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (FDZ at IQB)] (2020). Programme for International Student Assessment - Plus 2012, 2013 (PISA Plus 2012-2013) - Campus File (Version 1) [Data set]. Berlin: IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.",
  "keywords": ["Campus File", "Large-Scale Assessment", "Germany", "Longitudinal Design", "Grade 9 - 10", "Students", "Achievement Tests", "Learning Enivronment"],
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "variableMeasured": [
      "name": "Version_v1_2020_04_18",
      "description": "Version number (v1)",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "idstud",
      "description": "Student-ID",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "idschool",
      "description": "School-ID",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "idclass",
      "description": "Class-ID",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "schtype",
      "description": "School track",
      "value": "1. Gymnasium (academic track),\n2. Realschule,\n3. schools with several courses of education",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "sameteach",
      "description": "Same math teacher in both school years",
      "value": "1. No,\n2. Yes",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "g8g9",
      "description": "8 years to Abitur (G8) or 9 years to Abitur (G9)",
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "name": "int_use_b_t1",
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "value": "1. very good,\n2. good,\n3. satisfactory,\n4. sufficient,\n5. deficient",
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "grade_bio_t1",
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "grade_che_t1",
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      "value": "1. very good,\n2. good,\n3. satisfactory,\n4. sufficient,\n5. deficient",
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      "name": "grade_phy_t1",
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "minValue": 1,
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
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      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "worketh_i_t1",
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      "minValue": 1,
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      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "behav_a_t2",
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      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "behav_e_t2",
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      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_g_t2",
      "description": "Student drug use",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_h_t2",
      "description": "Students being bullied",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_i_t2",
      "description": "Students not encouraged",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_j_t2",
      "description": "Poor student-teacher relations",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_k_t2",
      "description": "Heterogeneous classes",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_l_t2",
      "description": "Diverse ethnic backgrounds",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_m_t2",
      "description": "Teachers low expectations",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_n_t2",
      "description": "Student needs not met",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_o_t2",
      "description": "Teacher absenteeism",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_p_t2",
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      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_q_t2",
      "description": "Teachers too strict",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Phind_r_t2",
      "description": "Teachers being late",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "description": "Teachers being unprepared",
      "value": "1. Not at all,\n2. Very little,\n3. To some extent,\n4. A lot",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Pcult_a_t2",
      "description": "Academic success of students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds",
      "value": "1. better when all students adopt German culture and values,\n2. better when cultural differences are valued",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Pcult_b_t2",
      "description": "Academic success of multilingual students",
      "value": "1. important to provide extra lessons in German language,\n2. important to provide extra lessons in original language",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Pcult_c_t2R",
      "description": "School cohesion",
      "value": "2. better when school promotes cultural differences,\n1. better when students from different backgrounds assimilate",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Pcult_e_t2",
      "description": "School cohesion",
      "value": "1. better when all students speak same language,\n2. better when school promotes linguistic diversity",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
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      "description": "Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1)",
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      "description": "Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T1)",
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      "description": "Math Achievement (WLE-Score) (T2)",
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      "description": "Math Achievement (Standard Error of WLE) (T2)",
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      "name": "rea_wle_t1",
      "description": "Reading Achievement (WLE-Score) (T1)",
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