IQB National Assessment Study 2008/2009 (IQB-LV 2008-9)


Table of contents

Project description

Blank data sets


Notes on the use of the data



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Data Set Published on 01.12.2011
Version v2
Current Version Available Since 12.02.2018
Survey Period 2008, 2009
Sample Students in grade 9 (N=circa 39,000) at General Education Schools (N=1,466)
Survey Unit Students
Measured Competencies German, English, French
Region Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia
Principal Investigators Köller, Prof. Dr. Olaf
Data Producers Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB)
Funded by Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany
Related Studies IQB-BT 2015 (DOI: 10.5159/IQB_BT_2015_v5)
Suggested Citation Köller, O., Knigge, M., & Tesch, B. (2011). IQB-Ländervergleich Sprachen 2008/2009 (IQB-LV 2008-9) [IQB National Assessment Study 2008/2009 (IQB-LV 2008-9)] (Version 2) [Data set]. Berlin: IQB – Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.
Restriction Notice Cognitive abilities must not be used as a dependent variable in the analyses.

Users of the data set should always cite the scale manual:

Sachse, K., Kretschmann, J., Kocaj, A., Köller, O., Knigge, M., & Tesch, B. (2012). IQB-Ländervergleich 2008/2009. Skalenhandbuch zur Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente. [IQB National Assessment Study 2008/2009 scaling manual. Documentation of the survey instruments] (Schriftenreihe des Instituts zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen 5). Berlin: Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.


Project description

The IQB Ländervergleich 2008/2009 (National Assessment Study 2008/2009) is a nationwide study commissioned by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (KMK) in the Federal Republic of Germany. It assessed the language skills of 9th grade students from different school types, covering the subjects German, English, and French. Data were collected in 2008 (French) and 2009 (German and English), using representative samples from the German Länder amounting to a total of more than 39.000 students. Competence values were collected in the domains of listening comprehension, reading comprehension and spelling in German as well as in the domains of listening comprehension and reading comprehension in the students' first foreign language (English or French, respectively). Furthermore, questionnaires were used to gather data on students’ socio-economic, ethnic and familial background. (IQB)

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Blank data sets

For a first overview of the data sets and their variables, dummy data sets containing the variables used and the value labels relating to them are provided for download here.

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Here you can find further documentation:

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Notes on the use of the data

How many classes per school are included in the sample in the IQB studies?

In the IQB studies, one class per school is usually included in the sample. Exceptions are made for some federal states and for some types of schools (e.g. special education schools). Information on sampling in the studies can be found in the results reports or scale manuals.

Here is a brief summary of the sampling procedure:

  • National Assessment Study 2008/2009: One 9th grade class per school; the entire class took part in the test; special education schools were not part of the sample.
  • National Assessment Study 2011: in regular schools: One 4th grade class per school; the entire class took part in the test; at special schools, all students in 4th grade with a special need in the area of learning, language, or emotional and social development participated across all classes.
  • National Assessment Study 2012: In grammar schools ("Gymnasium"), one 9th grade class was included in the study, in other school types (with the exception of special education schools), two classes per school (if available) were included. The entire classes took part in the test. At special schools, all students in 4th grade with a special need in the area of learning, language, or emotional and social development participated across all classes.
  • IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2015: In regular schools, one ninth grade class per school was included in the sample; the entire class took part in the test. In special education schools, all ninth grade adolescents with special needs in the area of learning, language, or emotional and social development participated in the study.
  • IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2016: in regular schools: one 4th grade class per school; the entire class took part in the test; at special schools, all students in 4th grade with a special need in the area of learning, language, or emotional and social development participated across all classes.
  • IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2018: In grammar schools ("Gymnasium"), one 9th grade class was included in the study, in other school types (with the exception of special education schools), two classes per school (if available) were included. The entire classes took part in the test. At special schools, all students in 4th grade with a special need in the area of learning, language, or emotional and social development participated across all classes.

Is there any information on the size of a town in the National Assessment Study2008-9?

Unfortunately, the size of the location of the schools was not asked in the National Assessment Study 2008-9.

Are the competence estimators of the PISA, IGLU and IQB studies comparable with each other?

In principle, the achievement tests used in German large scale assessment studies (PISA, IGLU and IQB studies) correlate highly, but the underlying competence models differ. The IQB tests are based on the educational standards of the the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK) and as a result more closely aligned with the German school curriculum than PISA tests.

Comparability can be tested using IRT methods based on studies in which both PISA and IQB items were used. Some studies for comparison are, for example

The extent of comparability must be considered separately for reading and mathematical literacy and for secondary and primary education. Although it can be assumed that federal state differences can be well mapped using both measures, it is unfortunately not possible to analyse trends on a common metric.

There are two separate weights in the French data set. Which is the correct one?

The National Assessment Study in French was carried out together with the standardization study in a joint survey in 2008 (see p. 8 in the Scale Manual for the study, which you can download PDF here (only German). The two samples for the standardization study and the National Assessment Study overlap by only about 1900 students. Therefore, separate weights are available for these samples. For a cross-country comparison sample, you should use the total student weight [wgtlvfr].

There is no kindergarten attendance variable in the data set for the National Assessment Study in French nor in the online scale book. Was this not collected?

Unfortunately, the attendance of kindergarten or pre-school was only recorded in the National Assessment Study in the German and English data sets.

Where can I find the student age in the data set for the National Assessment Study in French?

The month and year of birth of the students are included in the student dataset. The information is available both as teacher information [Tgebjah], [Tgebmo] and as student information [Sgebjah], [Sgebmo].

Is it possible to record the age of students (to the day) in the IQB studies?

Information on the year and age of birth of students is collected as standard in the IQB studies and is available for re- and secondary analyses of the data. However, for reasons of data protection, exact information on the date of birth was not recorded and is not available in the data sets. The exact test date is also not included in most data sets. Often, however, the data sets contain an age variable that was calculated using the year and month of birth in relation to the test.

Which PISA data can be linked to the IQB Studies?

The PISA 2012 datasets can be combined with the data from the National Assessment Study 2012. The student IDs in the data sets available at the FDZ at IQB have already been recoded in such a way that it is possible to link both data sources. Unfortunately, it is not possible to link the other PISA waves with the data of the IQB studies, as the ID variables cannot be recoded uniformly.

How do I carry out trend analyses with the National Assessment Study 2008/09 and the IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2015?

In the National Assessment Study 2008/09 achievement data in the subjects German, English and French were collected for the first time. The IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2015 is now the second survey on educational standards in these subjects at the end of 9th grade, making it possible to conduct trend analyses.

In order to depict trends, it is essential that the results from various surveys be presented on a uniform metric. For this purpose, the data from the National Assessment Study 2008/09 were transferred to the reporting metric of IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2015. The dataset available at the FDZ at the IQB for the National Assessment Study 2008/09 was updated accordingly. Furthermore, in the course of the evaluation and reporting on the IQB Trends in Student Achievement 2015, certain variables were newly created in order to be able to fall back on a uniform coding of the variables for both measurement dates (for example information on parents' occupations for the data from 2009 was also recoded according to ISCO-08 and the variables based on this were newly formed).

Please also note the notes on trend presentation in the Scale Manual for the PDF IQB Trends in Student Achievement Study 2015 (Ger/Eng) (in German). A list of the new variables in the student dataset that are not included in the Scale Manual for the National Assessment Study 2008/9 can be found  here.

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Selected literature is listed PDF here (as of March 2023).

A summary of the National Assessment Study 2009 is available for download PDF here (German only).


Schneider, R., Gentrup, S., Jansen, M. & Stanat, P. (2022). Kohortentrends in schulfachbezogenen Selbstkonzepten und Interessen bei Mädchen und Jungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 50, 182.

Stanat, P., Rjosk, C. & Lenz, S. (2022). Schulische Segregation und ihre Veränderung im Zuge von Schulstrukturreformen in Berlin, Bremen und Hamburg. ZSE : Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 42(1), 54–72.

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Lenz, S., Rjosk, C., Lorenz, G. & Stanat, P. (2021). Ethnische Segregation zwischen Schularten in mehrgliedrigen Schulsystemen und im „Zwei-Wege-Modell“. Analysen im Kontext von schulstrukturellen Reformmaßnahmen in Berlin, Bremen und Hamburg. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 73, 59–84.


Roller, M. & Steinberg, D. (2020). The distributional effects of early school stratification - non-parametric evidence from Germany. European Economic Review, 125, 103422.


Klein, O., Neugebauer, M. & Jacob, M. (2019, 17. July) Migrant teachers in the classroom: A key to reduce ethnic disadvantages in school?

Junkuhn, B. (2019). Risikofaktoren für erhöhtes Beanspruchungserleben im Lehrerberuf - Diplomarbeit. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel.

Lenz, S., Holtmann, M., Rjosk, C. & Stanat, P. (2019). Soziokulturelle Segregation an weiterführenden Schulen – Analysen zur Rolle der Gliederung des deutschen Schulsystems und schulstruktureller Reformmaßnahmen. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 22(6), 1333–1358.


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Böker, K., King, V., Koller, H.-C. & Tressat, M. (2018). Migrationsgeschichte, Familienbeziehungen und Adoleszenz. (Bildungs-)biographische Entwicklungen junger Männer aus italienischen Familien. In M. S. Baader, P. Götte & W. Gippert (Hrsg.), Migration und Familie. Historische und aktuelle Analysen (1. Aufl., S. 207–221). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

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Bartig, S., Bosswick, W. & Heckmann, F. (2017). Vielfaltsmonitor. Studie zum Umgang mit ethnischer und religiöser Vielfalt in Deutschland - Bericht an die Bertelsmann Stiftung (1 Aufl.). Bamberg: Europäisches Forum für Migrationsstudien.

Roller, M. & Steinberg, D. (2017) The Distributional Effects of Early School Stratification - Non-Parametric Evidence from Germany (WWZ Working Paper 2017/20). Basel: Center of Business and Economics - University of Basel. Accessed 19.08.2021. Retrieved from


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Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt (2016). Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Hessen. Ziele und Indikatoren. Fortschrittsbericht 2016 (Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, Hrsg.) (Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Hessen). Wiesbaden.

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Lenski, A. E., Richter, D. & Pant, H. A. (2015). Kompetenzorientierung im Unterricht aus der Perspektive von Lehrkräften und Schülerinnen und Schülern. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 61(5), 712–737. Verfügbar unter[article]=31096&cHash=f4cde7263a618b38d151074c4210e445 ;

Leucht, M., Retelsdorf, J., Pant, H. A., Möller, J. & Köller, O. (2015). Effekte der Gymnasialprofilzugehörigkeit auf Leistungsentwicklungen im Fach Englisch. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 29(2), 77–88.

Tressat, M., Böker, K., King, V. & Koller, H.-C. (2015). Vater-Sohn-Dynamiken im Kontext von Migration: Adoleszente Entwicklung und Bildungsverläufe am Beispiel von Söhnen aus italienischen Migrantenfamilien. In K. Bueschges (Hrsg.), Bildung - Selbst(bild) - Geschlechterbilder (Internationale Frauen- und Genderforschung in Niedersachsen, Teilband 17, S. 249–277). Berlin: LIT.


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Richter, D., Engelbert, M., Weirich, S. & Pant, H. A. (2013). Differentielle Teilnahme an Lehrerfortbildungen und deren Zusammenhang mit professionsbezogenen Merkmalen von Lehrkräften. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 27(3), 193–207.


Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt (2012). Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Hessen. Ziele und Indikatoren. Fortschrittsbericht 2012 (Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, Hrsg.) (Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Hessen). Wiesbaden.

Sachse, K. A., Kretschmann, J., Kocaj, A., Köller, O., Knigge, M. & Tesch, B. (2012). IQB-Ländervergleich 2008/2009. Skalenhandbuch zur Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente (Schriftenreihe des Instituts zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen 5). Berlin: Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB).


Köller, O., Knigge, M. & Tesch, B. (2011). IQB Ländervergleich Sprachen 2008/2009 (IQB-LV 2008-9) (Version 2) [Datensatz]. Berlin: IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen.


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